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The Relationship Between School Turnaround and Student Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis ( IF 3.704 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.3102/0162373720949513
Christopher Redding 1 , Tuan D. Nguyen 2

School turnaround has emerged as a predominant strategy to improve chronically low-performing schools, although the approach remains controversial. This meta-analysis synthesizes results from 35 studies to examine the relationship between school turnaround and various student outcomes. We find that school turnaround is associated with improved attendance, standardized test scores, and graduation rates. When separating the results by the different turnaround models, transformation, turnaround, and restart models are associated with improvements in student test scores. We find no evidence of a significant relationship between school closure or state turnaround conducted under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waivers and student test scores. We describe how changes in organizational operations, human capital, and the governance and/or management of low-performing schools might have contributed to this observed relationship.



