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Multilingualism at church: language practices in a Ghanaian context
Current Issues in Language Planning ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14664208.2019.1582946
Monica Apenteng Obiri-Yeboah 1


This paper examines the linguistic repertoires and domains of language use of the members of Victory Baptist Church at Nkwantanang (a suburb of Kade), an Akan-speaking area in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Data for the study is from observations and transcribed recordings of Sunday services, youth and women fellowship meetings, as well as conversations and interviews with selected members of the church. The theoretical underpinning of the work derives from Fishman’s [(2006). A decalogue of basic theoretical perspectives for a sociology of language and religion. In T. Omoniyi, & A. J. Fishman (Eds.), Explorations in the sociology of language and religion (pp. 13–25). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Retrieved from https://sociologyoflanguageandreligion.com/about/fishmans-decalogue/] sociology of language and religion principles and Baldauf’s [(2005). Micro language planning. In P. Bruthiaux, D. Atkinson, G. Eggington, W. Grabe, & V. Ramanathan (Eds.), Directions in Applied Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Kaplan (pp. 227–239). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters] micro language planning approach. A major finding is that there are numerous instances of code-switching among the youth, which are attributable to the language contact situation in the church and the town. Additionally, monolingual elderly women resort to lexical borrowing. Furthermore, whereas some studies have proved that smaller communities are diglossic, this study shows that the language situation in Nkwantanang is rather multilingual despite the community's small size and remoteness. Lastly, members of the church have a positive attitude towards the prevailing language situation, which supports principle three of Fishman's SLR.




本文研究了加纳东部地区讲阿肯语的恩夸纳塔南(卡德郊区)胜利浸信会教堂成员的语言表述和语言使用领域。该研究的数据来自对周日礼拜,青年和妇女团契会议以及与教会选定成员的对话和访谈的观察和转录记录。这项工作的理论基础源于菲什曼的[(2006)。语言和宗教社会学的基本理论观点的十足主题。在T. Omoniyi和A. J. Fishman(编辑)的《语言和宗教社会学探索》中(第13–25页)。阿姆斯特丹:约翰·本杰明斯出版公司。取自https://sociologyoflanguageandreligion.com/about/fishmans-decalogue/]语言和宗教原理的社会学以及Baldauf的[(2005)。微语言规划。在P. Bruthiaux,D.Atkinson,G.Eggington,W.Grabe和V.Ramanathan(编)中,《应用语言学的方向:为纪念Robert B. Kaplan而写的论文》(第227–239页)。Clevedon:多语言事务]微语言计划方法。一个主要发现是,年轻人之间有许多代码转换的例子,这归因于教堂和城镇的语言接触情况。此外,会说英语的老年妇女诉诸于词汇借用。此外,尽管一些研究证明较小的社区是高语种,但该研究表明,尽管社区规模小且偏僻,但Nkwantanang的语言状况还是多语种。最后,教会成员对当前的语言环境持积极态度,这支持菲什曼SLR的原则三。
