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The race between the snail and the tortoise: skill premium and early industrialization in Italy (1861–1913)
Cliometrica ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11698-019-00200-2
Giovanni Federico , Alessandro Nuvolari , Leonardo Ridolfi , Michelangelo Vasta

In this paper, we estimate series of the skill premium for Italy during the early stages of the industrialization with a refined version of the regression approach originally introduced by Clark (J Polit Econ 113(6):1307–1340, 2005). We compute series for the whole country as well as separate series for macro-regions and for construction and manufacturing, and, within manufacturing, we estimate high and low skill premia for blue collars. We interpret the results with an extended version of the classic Katz and Autor (in: Ashenfelter, Card (eds) Handbook of labor economics, Elsevier, Dordrecht, pp 1463–1555, 1999) framework. The overall premium remained stable until the 1890s and then declined for the joint effect of migrations (almost exclusively of unskilled workers) and the rise in literacy, which was not compensated by the modest increase in industrial employment.



在本文中,我们用最初由Clark提出的回归方法的改进版(J Polit Econ 113(6):1307-1340,2005)估算了工业化初期意大利的一系列技能溢价。我们计算了整个国家的序列,以及宏观区域,建筑和制造业的单独序列,并且在制造过程中,我们估计了蓝领的高低技能溢价。我们用经典的Katz和Autor的扩展版本(在:Ashenfelter,Card(eds)劳动经济学手册,Elsevier,Dordrecht,第1463–1555页,1999年)框架中解释结果。总体保险费一直保持稳定,直到1890年代,然后由于移民(几乎完全是非技术工人)和识字率上升的共同影响而下降,
