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Health for people with learning disabilities across the life span
British Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 1.238 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-05 , DOI: 10.1111/bld.12319
Bob Gates 1, 2, 3

Welcome to the first issue of BJLD for 2020 which presents a wide range of papers as a themed collection on the subject of health and people with learning disabilities across the life span – from early childhood to end of life. Health inequality and inequity continue to be problematic internationally, and affect this group of people disproportionately across their life span. In the UK it has been unequivocally established, and for some time, that people with learning disabilities receive poor care whilst in acute hospitals (Heslop, et al., 2013; Mencap 2012; Michael 2008; Mencap 2007). And it is thought that as many as 1, 200 people with learning disabilities die each year, these are avoidable deaths, often through a lack of training for staff (Mencap, 2018; House of Commons, 2018). And despite continued calls and compulsory training for all NHS staff such atrocities on the scale of a national scandal continue (Mencap, 2018). This makes it imperative that health as an issue remains high on any agenda, whether this relates to specialist learning disability services or the general health services to which most people with learning disabilities rely on as a consequence of inclusion. Their inclusion is to be applauded as long as they are treated in an equitable manner when compared with other citizens. This themed collection of papers explores this assumption through a series of health related papers from across the life span.



欢迎阅读 2020 年第一期 BJLD,该刊以健康和学习障碍者的整个生命周期(从幼儿到生命终结)为主题,展示了广泛的论文集。健康不平等和不平等在国际上继续存在问题,并在他们的一生中不成比例地影响着这群人。在英国,有一段时间以来,学习障碍者在急诊医院接受的护理很差,这一点已经明确确立(Heslop 等人,2013 年;Mencap 2012;迈克尔 2008 年;Mencap 2007 年)。据认为,每年有多达 1,200 名有学习障碍的人死亡,这些是可以避免的死亡,通常是由于缺乏对员工的培训(Mencap,2018 年;下议院,2018 年)。尽管持续不断地呼吁和对所有 NHS 员工进行强制性培训,但这种国家丑闻规模的暴行仍在继续(Mencap,2018 年)。这使得任何议程都必须将健康作为一个重要问题,无论这与专业学习障碍服务有关,还是与大多数学习障碍者因包容而依赖的一般健康服务有关。只要与其他公民相比,他们受到公平对待,就应该为他们的加入而鼓掌。这本主题论文集通过一系列跨生命周期的健康相关论文探讨了这一假设。这是否涉及专业学习障碍服务或大多数学习障碍者因包容而依赖的一般健康服务。只要与其他公民相比,他们受到公平对待,就应该为他们的加入而鼓掌。这本主题论文集通过一系列跨生命周期的健康相关论文探讨了这一假设。这是否涉及专业学习障碍服务或大多数学习障碍者因包容而依赖的一般健康服务。只要与其他公民相比,他们受到公平对待,就应该为他们的加入而鼓掌。这本主题论文集通过一系列跨生命周期的健康相关论文探讨了这一假设。