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Trade Wars and the World Trade Organization: Causes, Consequences, and Change
Asian Economic Policy Review ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-12 , DOI: 10.1111/aepr.12278
Bernard Hoekman 1, 2

The rise in trade tensions and launch of a trade war by the USA is in part a result of World Trade Organization (WTO) working practices that have impeded the ability to use the organization to address the underlying sources of conflict through dialogue, analysis, and rule‐making. Open plurilateral agreements between the major protagonists offer an avenue for revitalizing the ability of the WTO to resolve trade conflicts. More generally, reform of WTO working practices is needed for the organization to be more effective in providing a platform for members to cooperate on trade policy matters.



贸易紧张局势加剧和美国发动贸易战的部分原因是世界贸易组织 (WTO) 的工作实践阻碍了利用该组织通过对话、分析和解决冲突的潜在根源的能力。规则制定。主要参与者之间的开放诸边协议为重振世贸组织解决贸易冲突的能力提供了途径。更一般地说,世贸组织的工作实践需要改革,以便该组织更有效地为成员提供一个就贸易政策问题进行合作的平台。