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Book Review
Asia Pacific Law Review ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2011-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2011.11788251
Lin Feng 1

Professor Peter Cane's book is a historical and comparative study of administrative tribunals and adjudication with the Australian Administrative Appeal Tribunals (AAT) at its centre. According to the author, there are two closely related aims to achieve through this book. One is to 'introduce to a wider audience in the common-law world some of the instinctive features of Australian public law and legal institutions', especially 'to increase knowledge and understanding of the AAT outside Australia' (p 2), the other is to 'make a contribution to the process of understanding, in contemporary terms, the nature and role of administrative tribunals and what they do, with special reference to the Australian system of federal "merits review" tribunals' (p 22). Professor Cane should be congratulated for having achieved both successfully. The book consists of seven chapters. Since the author has set out in section 3 of Chapter One what each chapter discusses, this review will not repeat that. Instead, it will highlight five important features of the book. The first feature is that the book provides a clear theoretical analysis of administrative tribunals in different jurisdictions. One example is that Professor Cane has shown in Chapters Two and Three how the formation of constitutional concepts such as Parliamentary sovereignty, judicial independence etc and, in particular, the different understandings of the concept of separation of powers have had their impact upon the development



Peter Cane 教授的书以澳大利亚行政上诉法庭 (AAT) 为中心,对行政法庭和裁决进行了历史和比较研究。据作者介绍,通过这本书可以实现两个密切相关的目标。一个是“向普通法世界中更广泛的受众介绍澳大利亚公法和法律制度的一些本能特征”,特别是“增加对澳大利亚境外 AAT 的知识和理解”(第 2 页),另一个是以“为理解行政法庭的性质和作用以及它们所做的工作做出贡献,特别是澳大利亚联邦“案情审查”法庭系统”(第 22 页)。应该祝贺 Cane 教授成功地实现了这两个目标。本书由七章组成。由于作者已在第一章第 3 节中列出了每章讨论的内容,因此本文不再赘述。相反,它将突出本书的五个重要特点。第一个特点是该书对不同司法管辖区的行政法庭进行了清晰的理论分析。一个例子是Cane教授在第二、三章中展示了议会主权、司法独立等宪法概念的形成,特别是对三权分立概念的不同理解对发展的影响。由于作者已在第一章第 3 节中列出了每章讨论的内容,因此本文不再赘述。相反,它将突出本书的五个重要特点。第一个特点是该书对不同司法管辖区的行政法庭进行了清晰的理论分析。一个例子是Cane教授在第二、三章中展示了议会主权、司法独立等宪法概念的形成,特别是对三权分立概念的不同理解对发展的影响。由于作者已在第一章第 3 节中列出了每章讨论的内容,因此本文不再赘述。相反,它将突出本书的五个重要特点。第一个特点是该书对不同司法管辖区的行政法庭进行了清晰的理论分析。一个例子是Cane教授在第二、三章中展示了议会主权、司法独立等宪法概念的形成,特别是对三权分立概念的不同理解对发展的影响。第一个特点是该书对不同司法管辖区的行政法庭进行了清晰的理论分析。一个例子是Cane教授在第二、三章中展示了议会主权、司法独立等宪法概念的形成,特别是对三权分立概念的不同理解对发展的影响。第一个特点是该书对不同司法管辖区的行政法庭进行了清晰的理论分析。一个例子是Cane教授在第二、三章中展示了议会主权、司法独立等宪法概念的形成,特别是对三权分立概念的不同理解对发展的影响。