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The Secessionist Movement in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand: A View from the New Haven School of International Law
Asia Pacific Law Review ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2012-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2012.11788262
Nartnirun Junngam

Abstract Based on the author’s research on the relationship among secession, self-determination and recognition in contemporary international law, this article argues that the secessionist movement in the southernmost provinces of Thailand is unjustified. This is because the movement’s foundational claim lies in a historical grievance that does not find support from lex lata; nor does the movement’s claim receive justification from lex ferenda as it fails spectacularly to meet the criteria of remedial secession considered as a measure of last resort.



摘要 基于作者对当代国际法中分离、自决和承认之间关系的研究,本文认为泰国最南端省份的分离运动是不合理的。这是因为该运动的基本主张在于没有得到 lex lata 支持的历史不满;该运动的主张也没有得到 lex ferenda 的正当理由,因为它明显不符合被视为最后手段的补救性分离标准。