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A Democratic Dialogue? Parliament and Human Rights in The United Kingdom
Asia Pacific Law Review ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2013-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2013.11788271
Philip Norton

Abstract The protection of human rights is an inherent feature of a liberaldemocracy, but there is the potential for conflict between the legislature as the representative body of the people and the courts as the interpreters of the laws protecting human rights. This article advances three models of the relationship between the legislature and the courts (the respective autonomy, competing authority, and democratic dialogue models) and addresses the extent to which the relationship between Parliament and the courts in the UK fits any one. Despite some sporadic conflict, the relationship falls primarily within that of democratic dialogue and has become more pronounced since the passage of the Human Rights Act 1998.



摘要 保护人权是自由民主的内在特征,但作为人民代表的立法机关与作为保护人权法律解释者的法院之间存在潜在的冲突。本文提出了立法机关与法院之间关系的三种模式(各自的自治、竞争权力和民主对话模式),并探讨了英国议会与法院之间的关系在多大程度上适合任何一种模式。尽管有一些零星的冲突,但这种关系主要属于民主对话的范畴,并且自 1998 年《人权法》通过以来变得更加明显。