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Possibilities for critical pedagogy engagement in higher education: exploring students’ openness and acceptance
Asia Pacific Education Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s12564-019-09605-0
Joanna Joseph Jeyaraj

Critical pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning which aims to impact social change through education. In this study, the possibility of engaging with critical pedagogy is explored, by focusing on students’ perceptions of this practice. Data were collected through interviews with 14 Malaysian students. They shared their experiences of learning subjects which touched on social justice issues and critical thinking; which incidentally are also important preoccupations for critical pedagogy. There was consensus about in-depth engagement with social justice issues, including those that were deemed controversial and radical. Besides that, participatory forms of learning such as the co-construction of knowledge were embraced, and students recognised that teachers were not the only source of ‘authorised’ knowledge. Finally, there was a marginal voice of resistance towards the idea of learning about controversial issues because it could risk safety and incite personal attacks from peers. Unequal teacher–student power relations was also seen as a hindrance to critically interrogating socio-political issues, so students were cautious when providing dissenting views. While legitimate concerns are present, overall there seems to be a general openness to critical pedagogy. Therefore, teachers may need to carefully consider the socio-political conditions they are in, because this pedagogy could potentially disrupt order and harmony in the classroom.


