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The power of living knowledge: re-imagining horizontal knowledge
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-28 , DOI: 10.1080/1359866x.2019.1696453
Gabrielle Ivinson 1


Educationalists tend to imagine school curricula organised solely around academic, formal knowledge or horizontal discourse. Yet, despite curricula organised around vertical discourses such as science, geography and mathematics, the working classes, the poor and minority ethnically groups achieve less well in education than the middle classes. The paper aims to re-think horizontal knowledge by paying attention to it as place-based, sensory, embodied, indigenous and historically developed forms of knowing in order: 1) to broaden debates about school knowledge; 2) to support teachers to recognise and legitimate forms of knowing beyond those prescribed by academic curricular and 3) to re-imagine it as living knowledge that has value. To illuminate what might be powerful in horizontal knowledge Gilbert Simondon’s genetic ontology and his concepts of pre-individuation, persons are not fixed for all time, and transindividual, a uniquely collective form of knowing, are introduced. The paper argues that by re-thinking horizontal knowledge young people can be imagined as having multiple ways of being and education can support them to become more; more than social class, more than poverty, more than an exam failure and more than an individual, fixed for all time.




教育学家倾向于想象学校课程完全围绕学术,形式知识或横向论述来组织。然而,尽管围绕科学,地理和数学等纵向课程组织了课程,但工人阶级,贫穷和少数族裔群体的教育成绩却不如中产阶级。本文旨在通过关注水平知识来重新思考水平知识,这些知识是基于位置的,感官的,具体的,本土的和历史发展的知识形式,以便:1)扩大关于学校知识的辩论;2)支持教师认识和合法化知识形式,而不是课程规定的知识形式; 3)重新将其想象为具有价值的生活知识。为了阐明横向知识中可能有哪些强大功能,吉尔伯特·西蒙登的遗传本体论及其前个体化的概念,人们并非一直固定下来,而是引入了超个体性(一种独特的集体认知形式)。该论文认为,通过重新思考横向知识,可以将年轻人想象为拥有多种存在方式,而教育可以帮助他们变得更多。不仅是社会阶层,还不仅仅是贫穷,不仅是考试不及格,而且还不仅仅是个人,而且永远都固定下来。
