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Participation in a Global Hearing Culture: Hearing Mothers’ Translations of Their Childrens’ Deafworlds
Applied Linguistics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-10 , DOI: 10.1093/applin/amz022
Jennifer T Johnson 1

Learning a visual language gives hearing mothers the possibility of participating in their deaf children’s culture. Yet, mothers also grapple with the demands of an unmarked global hearing culture, especially as their children’s deafness becomes mediated by technology and medical intervention, under the guise of progress, social mobility, equity, and inclusion (Lane et al. 1996). Access to spoken English through technological aids supposedly ‘solves’ the perceived ‘problem’ of communication and cultural difference between mother and child. But what is at stake in this process of translation aided by new technologies? I take a critical discourse analytic approach to analyze videotaped interviews with six hearing mothers. Hearing mother interviewees displayed ambivalent shifts in footing, in particular, mode-switches, which, I argue, paralleled the ambiguous subject positions of their deaf children who they perceive as both deaf (without implants) and hearing (with implants). This study brings to light the complex role technology and ‘cochlear implant culture’ play in shaping an instrumentalized view of language with the objective of participating in local and global hearing culture.



学习视觉语言可以让听力正常的母亲参与到聋哑儿童的文化中。然而,母亲们也在努力应对一种无标记的全球听力文化的需求,尤其是当她们的孩子的耳聋以进步、社会流动、公平和包容为幌子,通过技术和医疗干预得到调节(Lane 等,1996 年)。据称,通过技术辅助获得口语“解决”了母子之间沟通和文化差异的感知“问题”。但是,在新技术辅助的翻译过程中,什么是利害关系?我采用批判性话语分析方法来分析对六位听力正常的母亲的采访录像。听到母亲受访者在立场上表现出矛盾的转变,特别是模式转换,我认为,与他们认为既聋(没有植入物)又听力(有植入物)的聋子的模棱两可的主体位置平行。本研究揭示了技术和“人工耳蜗文化”在塑造工具化语言观方面的复杂作用,目的是参与本地和全球听力文化。