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Autobiographical Narrative of Traumatic Experience: Disruption and Resilience in South African Truth Commission Testimonies
Applied Linguistics ( IF 4.155 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1093/applin/amaa010
Christine Anthonissen 1

Following a suggestion by Crosthwaite (2005) that autobiographical narratives can be viewed as organizational practices, this article turns attention to events of recalling and articulating personal histories of trauma produced during and after the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearings of 1996–8. Witness testimonies at the TRC were institutionally framed to fit the aims of national reconciliation in ways that may have limited the kinds of contribution witnesses unfamiliar with the institutional structure could make. Discourses recorded at the human rights violations hearings of the TRC give evidence of speakers recalling traumatic events of state violence that disrupted their lives and displaced them both physically and psychologically. This article considers how traumatic experience poses challenges to the coherence of autobiographical narrative as well as how narrative structures that do not fit institutionally introduced formats can become opaque to the institutional setting. It will also reflect on how the Truth Commission narrations of trauma carry linguistic and cultural cues that signal not only disruption but also the resilience of the narrator.



根据 Crosthwaite (2005) 的建议,即自传叙事可以被视为组织实践,本文将注意力转向回忆和阐明个人创伤历史的事件,这些事件发生在 1996 年南非真相与和解委员会 (TRC) 听证会期间和之后。 8. 真相与和解委员会的证人证词在制度上符合民族和解的目标,这可能限制了不熟悉制度结构的证人可以做出的贡献种类。在真相与和解委员会的侵犯人权听证会上记录的话语表明,发言者回忆起国家暴力的创伤性事件,这些事件扰乱了他们的生活并使他们在身心上流离失所。本文考虑了创伤经历如何对自传叙事的连贯性提出挑战,以及不适合制度引入格式的叙事结构如何变得对制度环境不透明。它还将反映真相委员会对创伤的叙述如何携带语言和文化线索,这些线索不仅表明中断,而且表明叙述者的韧性。