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C ognitive A bility and B idding B ehavior in S econd P rice A uctions : A n E xperimental S tudy
American Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-06 , DOI: 10.1002/ajae.12082
Ji Yong Lee , Rodolfo M. Nayga , Cary Deck , Andreas C. Drichoutis

Behavioral biases are more pronounced for individuals with lower cognitive abilities. This paper examines what connection if any there is between cognitive ability and bidding strategy in second price auctions. Despite truthful revelation being a weakly dominant strategy, previous experiments have consistently observed overbidding, which makes use of such auctions for inferring homegrown value problematic. Examining the effect of cognitive ability is important as it may help identify when one can reliably recover values from bids. The results indicate that more cognitively able subjects behave in closer accordance with theory, and that cognitive ability partially explains heterogeneity in bidding behavior.


