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A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of Descubriendo la Lectura
American Educational Research Journal ( IF 4.503 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.3102/0002831219890612
Geoffrey D. Borman 1 , Trisha H. Borman , So Jung Park , Scott Houghton 2

We present findings from a randomized controlled trial of Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL), an intervention designed to improve the literacy skills of Spanish-speaking first graders, who are struggling with reading. DLL offers one-on-one native language literacy instruction for 12 to 20 weeks to each school’s lowest performing first-graders. Examining literacy outcomes for 187 students, hierarchical linear model analyses revealed statistically significant effects of student-level assignment to DLL on all 9 outcomes evaluated. Impacts were as large as 1.24 standard deviations, or a learning advantage relative to controls exceeding a full school year of achievement growth. The mean effect size of d = 0.66 across the nine literacy measures is equal to approximately two thirds of the overall literacy growth that occurs across the first-grade year.


多角形Descubriendo la Lectura有效性的多点随机对照试验

我们提供了Descubriendo la Lectura(DLL)的一项随机对照试验的结果,该干预旨在改善西班牙语系一年级学习者的读写能力,他们正在努力阅读。DLL为每所学校成绩最低的一年级学生提供12到20周的一对一的母语素养指导。审查了187名学生的识字结果,分层线性模型分析显示,对DLL的所有9个评估结果,学生级DLL分配的统计学意义显着。影响最大为1.24个标准差,即相对于超过一个完整学年成绩增长的控件,学习优势。在九项扫盲措施中,平均影响大小d = 0.66大约等于整个一年级识字率增长的三分之二。