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The Convergence of Emotionally Supportive Learning Environments and College and Career Ready Mathematical Engagement in Upper Elementary Classrooms
AERA Open ( IF 3.427 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/2332858420957612
Rebekah Berlin 1 , Julie Cohen 2

Research focused on emotionally supportive teaching has typically run in parallel to the study of rigorous, standards-aligned mathematics teaching. However, recent work theorizes that positive and warm classroom environments may be necessary to help students meet the ambitious goals outlined in newer mathematics standards. We analyze the relationship between facets of classroom environments and the prevalence of standards-aligned mathematics instruction across more than 400 mathematics lessons in Washington, D.C., classrooms. We find no evidence of consistent standards-aligned mathematical engagement absent an engaging, emotionally supportive learning environment. These findings suggest that efforts to help teachers make the instructional shifts outlined in college and career ready standards might also need to support the provision of productive, warm, and nurturing learning environments.



