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Cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood and aqueous humor of patients with herpetic uveitis
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s12348-020-00229-9
Marta Catarina Esteves Guedes , Catarina Gregório Martins , Maria Jorge Arroz , Miguel Angelo-Dias , Luís Miguel Borrego , Rui Daniel Proença

Uveitis is an intraocular inflammation with several infectious or non-infectious etiologies. The characterization of local and systemic immune profiles in infectious viral uveitis could help recognize different clinical entities and contribute to a more targeted treatment approach.

One previous study addressing cytokine and chemokine profiles in aqueous humor (AqH) of infectious and non-infectious uveitis patients found that interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-10 levels were increased in viral uveitis whereas IL-17 was elevated in toxoplasmic uveitis [1]. IL-10 is of particular interest when studying cytokine profiles in viral infections since it has been shown to suppress the host cellular immune response and favor viral replication, increasing the susceptibility to infection [2] and viral persistence [3].

In this study, we aimed to characterize cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood and AqH of patients with herpetic uveitis (HU) and compare them with healthy controls.


For this study, both patients and controls were recruited from the Ophthalmology Department of Egas Moniz Hospital, West Lisbon Hospital Center, between October 2014 and October 2016.

Patients presenting with active uveitis from a presumed viral/herpetic etiology were included in the uveitis group. The diagnosis of active uveitis followed the clinical criteria based on inflammatory cell reaction in the anterior chamber or vitreous as per standardization of uveitis nomenclature (SUN) and National Eye Institute (NEI) grading systems [4].

At the time of sampling, all patients had active disease and both blood and AqH samples were collected at presentation. Intraocular samples were examined for the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and 2, and varicella zoster virus (VZV) by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis as previously described [5].

Controls were selected among healthy subjects undergoing cataract or refractive surgery, with no known history of intraocular inflammation.

The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Egas Moniz Hospital, West Lisbon Hospital Center, and informed consent was obtained from each patient.

Sample collection

The AqH samples were collected with a 30-gauge needle under topical anesthesia and sterile conditions by slit lamp with the aid of one drop of povidone iodine before and after puncturing the anterior chamber. The AqH samples of control subjects were collected with a 30-gauge needle before starting surgery. Undiluted aqueous samples of at least 0.1 mL were collected from each subject and immediately sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Peripheral blood samples were also collected in order to obtain serum.

Quantification of serum cytokine expression by multiplexed flow cytometry

A multiplex bead-based immunoassay (BD CBA Flex Set, BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) was used to determine serum and AqH levels of TNF-α, IFN-ɣ, IL-17A and IL-10. A similar single-plex bead-based immunoassay was used for TGF-β.

The protocol was performed following the instructions of the manufacturer. In brief, standards and serum samples were incubated with specific capture beads for 1 h at room temperature. After adding the detection reagent, the mixtures were incubated for 2 h at room temperature in the dark. After a final wash, beads were acquired in a BD FACS Canto II, previously set up for the BD CBA Flex Set. For each cytokine, at least 300 beads were acquired per sample. The FCAP Array Software (BD Biosciences) was used for data analysis. Standard curves covered a 0–2500 pg/mL concentration range and the minimum detection levels were: 0.13 pg/mL for IL10; 0.3 pg/mL for IL17A; 1.8 pg/mL for IFN-γ and 0.7 pg/mL for TNF-α.

For TGF-β, analyzed separately, samples were previously activated with the Sample Activation Kit 1 (R&D, Minneapolis, MN, USA) according to the recommended procedure. After activation, samples were incubated with capture beads for 2 h, washed and incubated with detection reagent. Acquisition and analysis were performed as described above. For TGF-β, standard curves covered a 0–10,000 pg/mL concentration range, and minimum detection level was 14.9 pg/mL.

Statistical analysis

The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare each 2 independent groups. A P value of < 0.05 was considered for statistical significance. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism, version 8 for Windows (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California).

Four patients with presumed HU and 8 controls were included. Table 1 summarizes the demographic and clinical features for the HU group. One patient with a panuveitis associated with acute retinal necrosis was also included. All HU patients underwent anterior chamber puncture and AqH sampling as previously described. Results of AqH by real-time PCR confirmed a VZV infection in all the cases tested.

Table 1 Demographic and clinical features for the HU group
Full size table

Regarding serum cytokines, there were no significant differences observed between patients and controls.

In AqH samples however, patients showed increased concentrations of IL10 (p = 0.018), TNF-α (p = 0.018) and IFN-ɣ (p = 0.024).

Interestingly, the levels of serum and AqH cytokines differ within the two groups. While controls presented higher levels of IL10, IFN-ɣ and TGF-β in serum samples compared to those found in AqH (respectively, p = 0.001; p = 0.002 and p = 0.001), in the patients’ group, only TGF-β showed higher serum concentrations when compared to AqH (p = 0.029), with comparable values for the other cytokines tested.

Table 2 shows the results and comparison of cytokine levels in the serum and AqH of both groups.

Table 2 Comparison of cytokine levels in HU patients and controls
Full size table

Despite including just a few HU cases, our preliminary results show an elevation of intraocular TNF-α and IFN-ɣ levels which is likely associated with active disease and anterior chamber inflammation.

The increase in IL-10 levels also found in patients’ AqH samples is, as described in a previous study [1], probably related to the viral etiology, in this case herpetic. However, since all the patients included tested positive for VZV infection, it is possible that other herpetic etiologies, such as HSV-1 and 2 or CMV, show different serum and intraocular cytokine profiles.

The immunosuppressive ability of IL-10 to impair T-cell responses leading to persistent viral infection has already been demonstrated in mice [6, 7], reinforcing its possible use as a biomarker for viral infection or even as a therapeutic target since it has been shown that in vivo administration of an antibody against the murine IL-10 receptor completely prevented the viral persistence by restoring T-cell function [3].

In conclusion, although more studies are needed to confirm our findings, elevated intraocular IL-10, TNF-α and IFN-ɣ levels seem to be associated to VZV-associated uveitis.

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Aqueous humor




Herpes simplex virus


Herpetic uveitis






Polymerase chain reaction


Transforming Growth Factor β


Tumor Necrosis Factor α


Varicella zoster virus

  1. 1.

    Sauer A, Villard O, Creuzot-Garcher C, Chiquet C, Berrod JP, Speeg-Schatz C et al (2015) Intraocular levels of interleukin 17A (IL-17A) and IL-10 as respective determinant markers of toxoplasmosis and viral uveitis. Clin Vaccine Immunol 22(1):72–78

    Article Google Scholar

  2. 2.

    Sloan DD, Jerome KR (2007) Herpes simplex virus remodels T-cell receptor signaling, resulting in p38-dependent selective synthesis of interleukin-10. J Virol 81(22):12504–12514

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  3. 3.

    Brooks DG, Trifilo MJ, Edelmann KH, Teyton L, McGavern DB, Oldstone MB (2006) Interleukin-10 determines viral clearance or persistence in vivo. Nat Med 12(11):1301–1309

    CAS Article Google Scholar

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    Jabs DA, Nussenblatt RB, Rosenbaum JT, Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature Working G (2005) Standardization of uveitis nomenclature for reporting clinical data. Results of the First International Workshop. Am J Ophthalmol 140(3):509–516

    Article Google Scholar

  5. 5.

    Kongyai N, Sirirungsi W, Pathanapitoon K, Tananuvat N, Kunavisarut P, Leechanachai P et al (2012) Viral causes of unexplained anterior uveitis in Thailand. Eye 26(4):529–534

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  6. 6.

    Fuse S, Molloy MJ, Usherwood EJ (2008) Immune responses against persistent viral infections: possible avenues for immunotherapeutic interventions. Crit Rev Immunol 28(2):159–183

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  7. 7.

    Jenkins C, Garcia W, Godwin MJ, Spencer JV, Stern JL, Abendroth A et al (2008) Immunomodulatory properties of a viral homolog of human interleukin-10 expressed by human cytomegalovirus during the latent phase of infection. J Virol 82(7):3736–3750

    CAS Article Google Scholar

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This research project was funded by the Portuguese Ophthalmology Society.


  1. Ophthalmology Department, Western Lisbon Hospital Center- Egas Moniz Hospital, Rua da Junqueira, 126, 1349-019, Lisbon, Portugal

    Marta Catarina Esteves Guedes

  2. CEDOC, NOVA Medical School, Nova University of Lisbon, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 1169-056, Lisbon, Portugal

    Catarina Gregório Martins, Miguel Angelo-Dias & Luís Miguel Borrego

  3. Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), NOVA Medical School, Nova University of Lisbon, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 1169-056, Lisbon, Portugal

    Catarina Gregório Martins, Miguel Angelo-Dias & Luís Miguel Borrego

  4. Western Lisbon Hospital Center- São Francisco Xavier Hospital, Estr. Forte do Alto Duque, 1449-005, Lisbon, Portugal

    Maria Jorge Arroz

  5. Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra Hospital and Universitary Center, Praceta Professor Mota Pinto, 3004-561, Coimbra, Portugal

    Rui Daniel Proença

  1. Marta Catarina Esteves GuedesView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Catarina Gregório MartinsView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  3. Maria Jorge ArrozView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  4. Miguel Angelo-DiasView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  5. Luís Miguel BorregoView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  6. Rui Daniel ProençaView author publications

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MG was involved in patients and controls recruitment, data collection, review of literature, and drafting of the manuscript. MJA, CGM and LMB were involved in the data collection and flow cytometric analysis as well as results interpretation and final editing of the manuscript. MAD was responsible for the statistical analysis. RDP was involved in supervision, fine tuning, and final editing of the manuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Marta Catarina Esteves Guedes.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Egas Moniz Hospital, West Lisbon Hospital Center, and informed consent was obtained from each patient.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Cite this article

Guedes, M.C.E., Martins, C.G., Arroz, M.J. et al. Cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood and aqueous humor of patients with herpetic uveitis. J Ophthal Inflamm Infect 10, 37 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12348-020-00229-9

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12348-020-00229-9




先前针对感染性和非感染性葡萄膜炎患者房水(AqH)细胞因子和趋化因子分布的一项研究发现,病毒性葡萄膜炎中白介素(IL)-1β和IL-10水平升高,而弓形体性葡萄膜炎中IL-17升高[ 1]。在研究病毒感染中的细胞因子谱时,IL-10特别令人感兴趣,因为它已显示出抑制宿主细胞免疫反应并促进病毒复制,增加感染敏感性和病毒持久性的作用[3]。



在这项研究中,患者和对照组均于2014年10月至2016年10月间从西里斯本医院中心Egas Moniz医院眼科招募。




研究方案已由西里斯本医院中心Egas Moniz医院伦理委员会批准,并从每位患者获得了知情同意。


在穿刺前房之前和之后,在局部麻醉和无菌条件下,通过裂隙灯在局部麻醉和无菌条件下,用30号针头收集AqH样品。开始手术前,用30号针头收集对照受试者的AqH样品。从每个受试者中收集至少0.1 mL的未稀释水溶液样品,并立即送至实验室进行分析。



使用基于多重珠的免疫测定法(BD CBA Flex Set,BD Biosciences,美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞)来确定血清和TNF-α,IFN-γ,IL-17A和IL-10的AqH水平。相似的基于单重珠的免疫测定用于TGF-β。

该协议是按照制造商的说明进行的。简而言之,将标准品和血清样品与特异性捕获珠在室温下孵育1小时。加入检测试剂后,将混合物在室温黑暗中孵育2小时。最后清洗后,在先前为BD CBA Flex Set设置的BD FACS Canto II中采集珠子。对于每种细胞因子,每个样品至少采集300个珠子。使用FCAP阵列软件(BD Biosciences)进行数据分析。标准曲线涵盖了0-2500 pg / mL的浓度范围,最低检测水平为:IL10为0.13 pg / mL;IL17A为0.3 pg / mL;IFN-γ为1.8 pg / mL,TNF-α为0.7 pg / mL。

对于TGF-β,需单独分析,样品先根据推荐程序使用样品激活试剂盒1(R&D,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,美国)激活。活化后,将样品与捕获珠孵育2小时,洗涤并与检测试剂孵育。如上所述进行采集和分析。对于TGF-β,标准曲线涵盖了0–10,000 pg / mL的浓度范围,最低检测水平为14.9 pg / mL。


使用Mann-Whitney U检验比较每个2个独立组。甲P的<0.05值被认为是统计显着性。使用适用于Windows的GraphPad Prism版本8(加利福尼亚州拉荷亚的GraphPad软件)分析数据。


表1 HU组的人口统计学和临床​​特征


然而,在AqH样品中,患者的IL10(p  = 0.018),TNF-α(p  = 0.018)和IFN-γ(p  = 0.024)浓度升高。

有趣的是,两组中血清和AqH细胞因子的水平不同。与对照组相比,对照组的血清中IL10,IFN-ɣ和TGF-β的水平更高(分别为p  = 0.001;p  = 0.002和p  = 0.001),而在患者组中,只有TGF-β与AqH相比,血清浓度更高(p  = 0.029),与其他测试的细胞因子值相当。


表2 HU患者与对照组细胞因子水平的比较


























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    Sauer A,Villard O,Creuzot-Garcher C,Chiquet C,Berrod JP,Speeg-Schatz C等人(2015)眼内白细胞介素17A(IL-17A)和IL-10的水平分别是弓形体病和病毒性葡萄膜炎的决定性标志物。临床疫苗免疫22(1):72–78


  2. 2。

    Sloan DD,Jerome KR(2007)单纯疱疹病毒重塑T细胞受体信号传导,导致p38依赖的白介素10选择性合成。J病毒81(22):12504–12514


  3. 3。

    Brooks DG,Trifilo MJ,Edelmann KH,Teyton L,McGavern DB,Oldstone MB(2006)Interleukin-10确定了体内的病毒清除率或持久性。Nat Med 12(11):1301-1309


  4. 4。

    Jabs DA,Nussenblatt RB,Rosenbaum JT,葡萄膜炎命名法标准化工作G(2005)用于报告临床数据的葡萄膜炎命名法标准化。第一次国际研讨会的结果。美国眼科杂志140(3):509–516


  5. 5,

    Kongyai N,Sirirungsi W,Pathanapitoon K,Tananuvat N,Kunavisarut P,Leechanachai P等人(2012)泰国原因不明的前葡萄膜炎的病毒原因。眼睛26(4):529–534


  6. 6。

    Fuse S,Molloy MJ,Usherwood EJ(2008)对持续性病毒感染的免疫反应:免疫治疗干预措施的可能途径。暴击免疫28(2):159–183


  7. 7。

    Jenkins C,Garcia W,Godwin MJ,Spencer JV,Stern JL,Abendroth A等人(2008)在感染的潜伏期中由人巨细胞病毒表达的人白介素10病毒同系物的免疫调节特性。J Virol 82(7):3736–3750






  1. 西里斯本医院中心眼科-Egas Moniz医院,Rua da Junqueira,126,1349-019,葡萄牙里斯本


  2. CEDOC,里斯本新星大学NOVA医学学校,Campo dosMártiresdaPátria,1169-056,葡萄牙里斯本

    CatarinaGregórioMartins,Miguel Angelo-Dias和LuísMiguel Borrego

  3. 里斯本新星大学诺瓦医学院综合健康研究中心(CHRC),Campo dosMártiresdaPátria,1169-056,葡萄牙里斯本

    CatarinaGregórioMartins,Miguel Angelo-Dias和LuísMiguel Borrego

  4. 西里斯本医院中心-圣弗朗西斯科Xavier医院,Estr。福尔托·杜·阿尔托·杜克(Forte do Alto Duque),1449-005,葡萄牙里斯本


  5. 科英布拉医院和大学中心医学院,Praceta Mota Pinto教授,3004-561,葡萄牙科英布拉

    Rui DanielProença

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对应于Marta Catarina Esteves Guedes。


研究方案已由西里斯本医院中心Egas Moniz医院伦理委员会批准,并从每位患者获得了知情同意。






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Guedes,MCE,Martins,CG,Arroz,MJ等。疱疹性葡萄膜炎患者外周血和房水中的细胞因子谱。ĴOphthal Inflamm传染 10, 37(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12348-020-00229-9


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