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Inverse-designed photon extractors for optically addressable defect qubits
Optica ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1364/optica.408611
Srivatsa Chakravarthi , Pengning Chao , Christian Pederson , Sean Molesky , Andrew Ivanov , Karine Hestroffer , Fariba Hatami , Alejandro W. Rodriguez , Kai-Mei C. Fu

Solid-state defect qubit systems with spin-photon interfaces show great promise for quantum information and metrology applications. Photon collection efficiency, however, presents a major challenge for defect qubits in high refractive index host materials. Inverse-design optimization of photonic devices enables unprecedented flexibility in tailoring critical parameters of a spin-photon interface including spectral response, photon polarization, and collection mode. Further, the design process can incorporate additional constraints, such as fabrication tolerance and material processing limitations. Here, we design and demonstrate a compact hybrid gallium phosphide on diamond inverse-design planar dielectric structure coupled to single near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers formed by implantation and annealing. We observe up to a 14-fold broadband enhancement in photon extraction efficiency, in close agreement with simulations. We expect that such inverse-designed devices will enable realization of scalable arrays of single-photon emitters, rapid characterization of new quantum emitters, efficient sensing, and heralded entanglement schemes.


