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A large pteranodontid pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Eastern Europe
Geological Magazine ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0016756820001119
Alexander O Averianov , Maxim S Arkhangelsky

The Campanian Beloe Ozero locality within the Rybushka Formation in Saratov Province, Russia, is one of the richest and most diverse Upper Cretaceous pterosaur localities in Europe. It produces identifiable remains of Pteranodontidae indet. and Azhdarchidae indet., as well as bones which can be attributed to either of these groups. The pteranodontid specimens from the Beloe Ozero locality described in this paper include a cervical III, distal scapula, humerus deltopectoral crest, proximal syncarpal, preaxial carpal and complete femur. Based on the femur and proximal syncarpal, the wingspan estimate for the Beloe Ozero pteranodontid varies from 5.2 to 6.5 m. Volgadraco bogolubovi, known from the neighbouring Shyrokii Karamysh locality of the same formation and attributed previously to the Azhdarchidae, is more likely pteranodontid than azhdarchid. The other putative records of the Pteranodontidae in the Late Cretaceous of North America, Europe and Asia are discussed. Pteranodontid pterosaurs had a much wider distribution on the northern continents in the Late Cretaceous than previously thought.



俄罗斯萨拉托夫省 Rybushka 组内的 Campanian Beloe Ozero 产地是欧洲上白垩纪翼龙最丰富、最多样化的产地之一。它产生可识别的 Pteranodontidae indet 残骸。和 Azhdarchidae indet.,以及可以归因于这些组中的任何一个的骨骼。本文描述的来自 Beloe Ozero 地区的无齿翼龙标本包括颈 III、肩胛骨远端、肱骨三角胸嵴、近端合腕骨、轴前腕骨和完整的股骨。根据股骨和近端合腕骨,Beloe Ozero 翼龙的翼展估计在 5.2 到 6.5 m 之间变化。伏尔加德拉科博戈卢博维,从邻近的 Shyrokii Karamysh 地区的同一地层中得知,以前归属于 Azhdarchidae,比 azhdarchid 更可能是翼齿龙科。讨论了北美洲、欧洲和亚洲晚白垩纪的翼龙科的其他假定记录。在白垩纪晚期,Pteranodontid 翼龙在北部大陆的分布比以前认为的要广泛得多。