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Family planning communication through mass media and health workers for promoting maternal health care utilization in Nigeria
Journal of Biosocial Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021932020000693
Sanni Yaya 1, 2 , Ghose Bishwajit 1

Studies have demonstrated that health communication programmes, through community health workers or mass media, are a key strategy to promote awareness and uptake of essential maternal health services. This study investigated whether or not family planning communication through mass media and health workers has any association with maternal health care utilization uptake in Nigeria. Cross-sectional data were extracted from the 2003–13 Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys. The study sample comprised 41,938 women aged 15–49 years who had a live birth during the 5 years preceding the survey. Outcome variables were adequacy of antenatal care visits and place of delivery. Receiving family planning messages from the radio, TV, newspapers, a family planning worker or during a health facility visit were considered as possible sources of exposure to family planning information. Radio (32.6%) was the most commonly reported source of family planning information, followed by TV (17.5%) and newspapers (6.1%). Less than one-tenth of respondents were visited by family planning workers (9.5%) and about one-third visited a health facility during the previous 12 months (30.3%). Those who reported receiving family planning information from the three types of mass media and who had contact with a family planning worker and/or health facility were more likely to have at least eight antenatal care contacts (odds ratio for TV use=1.172, 95% CI=1.058–1.297) and deliver at a health facility (odds ratio for TV use=1.544, 95% CI=1.350–1.766). These findings indicate that family planning communication through mass media and health workers could potentially improve the utilization of antenatal and health facility delivery services in Nigeria.



研究表明,通过社区卫生工作者或大众媒体开展卫生传播计划是提高对基本孕产妇保健服务的认识和采用的关键战略。本研究调查了通过大众媒体和卫生工作者进行的计划生育传播是否与尼日利亚的孕产妇保健利用有任何关联。横截面数据来自 2003-13 年尼日利亚人口和健康调查。研究样本包括 41,938 名年龄在 15-49 岁之间的女性,她们在调查前 5 年内有过活产。结果变量是产前检查的充分性和分娩地点。接收来自广播、电视、报纸的计划生育信息,计划生育工作人员或在卫生机构就诊期间被认为是接触计划生育信息的可能来源。广播(32.6%)是最常报道的计划生育信息来源,其次是电视(17.5%)和报纸(6.1%)。不到十分之一的受访者接受过计划生育工作人员的探访(9.5%),约三分之一的受访者在过去 12 个月内去过卫生机构(30.3%)。报告从三种大众媒体获得计划生育信息并与计划生育工作人员和/或卫生机构有过接触的人更有可能至少有八次产前保健接触(电视使用比值比=1.172, 95% CI = 1.058–1.297)并在医疗机构交付(电视使用的优势比 = 1.544,95% CI = 1.350–1.766)。