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Experiences of offenders with traumatic brain injury
Brain Impairment ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1017/brimp.2020.23
Mark A. Linden , Conall O’Rourke , Catherine Monaghan , Deborah Rainey

Purpose:Traumatic brain injury is recognised as a significant and pervasive health issue among offender populations. Despite this, no qualitative research exists exploring the experiences and perceptions of offenders with TBI in prison.Methods:Qualitative interviews were conducted with male and female offenders housed in a UK prison. Interviews examined what participants felt led them to offend, experiences of incarceration, and post-release plans. Presence of TBI was assessed via the Brain Injury Screening Index. Data were analysed by means of inductive content analysis.Findings:Both male and female prisoners primarily attributed their incarceration to drugs and alcohol use, with males also referencing more issues with aggression, while mental illness and past abuse were more commonly mentioned among females. A lack of recognition for the possible role of TBI was noted, with several males describing themselves as ‘stupid’ or prone to making ‘poor lifestyle choices’. Both groups indicated a desire to return to education or work post-release.Conclusions:Despite significant rates of injury, there is a clear lack of understanding and consideration of the role of TBI in the behaviour and presentation of offenders. There is need for improved identification and education around TBI early in the criminal justice process.



目的:创伤性脑损伤被认为是犯罪人群中一个重要且普遍存在的健康问题。尽管如此,尚无定性研究探索监狱中 TBI 罪犯的经历和看法。方法:对英国监狱中的男性和女性罪犯进行定性访谈。访谈检查了参与者认为导致他们冒犯的原因、监禁经历和释放后计划。通过脑损伤筛查指数评估 TBI 的存在。通过归纳内容分析对数据进行分析。结果:男性和女性囚犯的入狱主要归因于吸毒和酗酒,男性也更多地提到了攻击性问题,而女性更常提到精神疾病和过去的虐待行为。注意到对 TBI 的可能作用缺乏认识,一些男性将自己描述为“愚蠢”或倾向于做出“糟糕的生活方式选择”。两组都表示希望在释放后重返教育或工作。结论:尽管受伤率很高,但显然缺乏对 TBI 在罪犯行为和表现中的作用的理解和考虑。在刑事司法程序的早期,需要改进 TBI 的识别和教育。显然缺乏对 TBI 在罪犯行为和表现中的作用的理解和考虑。在刑事司法程序的早期,需要改进 TBI 的识别和教育。显然缺乏对 TBI 在罪犯行为和表现中的作用的理解和考虑。在刑事司法程序的早期,需要改进 TBI 的识别和教育。