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Ultrasound-based speckle-tracking in tendons: a critical analysis for the technician and the clinician
Journal of Applied Physiology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00654.2020
Rene B Svensson 1, 2 , Laura C Slane 3 , S Peter Magnusson 1, 2, 4 , Stijn Bogaerts 5, 6

Ultrasound has risen to the forefront as one of the primary tools in tendon research, with benefits including its relatively low cost, ease of use, and high safety. Moreover, it has been shown that cine ultrasound can be used to evaluate tendon deformation by tracking the motion of anatomical landmarks during physical movement. Estimates from landmark tracking, however, are typically limited to global tissue properties, such that clinically relevant regional non-uniformities may be missed. Fortunately, advancements in ultrasound scanning have led to the development of speckle-tracking algorithms, which enable the non-invasive measurement of in vivo local deformation patterns. Despite their successes in other fields, the adaptation of speckle-tracking to tendon research has presented some unique challenges as a result of tissue anisotropy and micro-structural changes under load. With no generally accepted standards for its use, current methodological approaches vary substantially between studies and research groups. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to provide a summative review of the technical complexities and variations of speckle-tracking approaches being used, and the impact these decisions may have on measured results and their interpretation. Variations in these approaches currently being used with relevant technical aspects are discussed first ("For the technician"), followed by a discussion of the more clinical considerations ("For the clinician"). Finally, a summary table of common challenges encountered when implementing speckle-tracking is provided, with suggested recommendations for minimizing the impact of such potential sources of error.


