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An international comparison of the self-reported causes of cyclist stress using quasi-naturalistic cycling
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102932
April Gadsby , Marjan Hagenzieker , Kari Watkins

Abstract This study explores the influences of attitudes and setting on cyclists' stated causes of stress using survey techniques and quasi-naturalistic cycling in both Delft, The Netherlands and Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The study recruited 28 participants in Delft and 41 in Atlanta. Participants cycled approximately 30 min on specified routes in both cities on an instrumented bicycle. Prior to cycling, the participants filled in a written survey about their cycling habits, attitudes, and demographics. At specified points during and after the ride, participants were interviewed about their stress levels throughout the ride and the causes of those stress levels. Thematic analysis and statistical methods are used to understand the interactions of setting (country), attitudes, stated stress, and sensor data. The top three stressors were motor vehicles, pavement, and poor infrastructure; 83% of participants mentioned a motor vehicle causing stress, 64% mentioned road surface, and 58% mentioned infrastructure. The results confirm the importance of motor vehicle interaction to cyclist stress, but also highlight some new insights on stress such as the importance of pavement condition. Speed differentials between cyclists and vehicles were also shown to be important and suggested cyclists in Delft felt comfortable to travel their ideal speed. This speed preference was supported by GPS data that showed the cyclists in Delft were cycling at speeds about half (12 kph) that of the cyclists in Atlanta (24 kph). Review of close-pass events demonstrated that cyclists in Delft were more comfortable with closer passes which could be associated with their belief that motorists notice them and/or speed differences between the vehicle and bicycle. The results also suggest that number of vehicle travel lanes can have mixed impacts on cyclist stress. These findings can be taken into consideration when designing bicycle facilities to create low-stress cycling networks.



摘要 本研究使用荷兰代尔夫特和美国佐治亚州亚特兰大的调查技术和准自然主义自行车来探讨态度和环境对骑自行车者陈述的压力原因的影响。该研究在代尔夫特招募了 28 名参与者,在亚特兰大招募了 41 名参与者。参与者骑着仪表自行车在两个城市的指定路线上骑了大约 30 分钟。在骑自行车之前,参与者填写了一份关于他们骑自行车的习惯、态度和人口统计数据的书面调查。在骑行期间和之后的特定时间点,参与者接受了关于他们在整个骑行过程中的压力水平以及这些压力水平的原因的采访。主题分析和统计方法用于了解环境(国家)、态度、陈述的压力和传感器数据之间的相互作用。前三大压力源是机动车、人行道和糟糕的基础设施;83% 的参与者提到了导致压力的机动车辆,64% 提到了路面,58% 提到了基础设施。结果证实了机动车相互作用对骑车人压力的重要性,但也突出了一些关于压力的新见解,例如路面状况的重要性。骑自行车者和车辆之间的速度差异也很重要,并且建议代尔夫特的骑自行车者对以理想速度行驶感到很舒服。这种速度偏好得到 GPS 数据的支持,该数据显示代尔夫特骑自行车的人的骑行速度约为亚特兰大骑自行车者 (24 公里/小时) 的一半 (12 公里/小时)。对近距离通过事件的回顾表明,代尔夫特的骑自行车者更喜欢近距离通过,这可能与他们相信驾车者注意到它们和/或车辆和自行车之间的速度差异有关。结果还表明,车辆行驶车道的数量对骑车人的压力有不同的影响。在设计自行车设施以创建低压力自行车网络时,可以考虑这些发现。