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Timing and rates of morpho-tectonic events in a segment of the Central and Western cordilleras of Colombia revealed through low-temperature thermochronology
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.103085
S. Duque-Palacio , D. Seward , S.A. Restrepo-Moreno , D. García-Ramos

Abstract New zircon and apatite fission-track analyses and aluminium in hornblende thermobarometric data are presented from Cretaceous and Triassic plutons situated along an east-west transect across the Central Cordillera, the Cauca Romeral Fault System and the eastern slopes of the Western Cordillera in the Colombian Andes. The results are combined with published apatite (U–Th)/He ages revealing three episodes of increased cooling during the Late Cretaceous (∼110 - 90 Ma), the Eocene (∼55-40 Ma) and the Miocene (23-20 Ma). The latter two phases correlate well with the Pre-Andean and Proto-Andean periods previously identified on the basis of stratigraphic unconformities and thermochronology studies in the region. A fourth event, at ∼10 Ma, is tentatively recognized in modelled data sets, but not by absolute age values. The thermochronology data imply a total of uplift-driven exhumation (i.e., crustal unroofing) in the study area of up to 10 kms since ∼50 Ma at rates of ∼0.1 km/Myr and 4 kms since ∼23 Ma initially at 0.2 km/Myr. From 10 Ma the rates changed to 0.3–0.33 km/Myr with estimated geothermal gradients of 25–30 °C/km. Thermobarometry data suggest that the crystallization of the Cretaceous intrusions, now at the surface, took place at depths of 8–13 km confirming the amount of exhumation revealed by low-temperature thermochronology.



摘要 新的锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹分析以及角闪石热气压数据中的铝来自位于横跨中央山脉、Cauca Romeral 断层系统和哥伦比亚西部山脉东坡的东西横断面的白垩纪和三叠纪岩体安第斯山脉。结果与已发表的磷灰石 (U-Th)/He 年龄相结合,揭示了晚白垩世 (~110 - 90 Ma)、始新世 (~55-40 Ma) 和中新世 (23-20 Ma) 期间冷却增加的三集)。后两个阶段与先前根据该地区地层不整合面和热年代学研究确定的前安第斯和原始安第斯时期相关。第四个事件,大约 10 Ma,在建模数据集中暂时识别,但不是通过绝对年龄值。热年代学数据表明,自 50 Ma 以来,研究区总共发生了长达 10 公里的隆起驱动剥脱(即地壳开裂),速度为 0.1 公里/迈尔,而自 23 Ma 开始的速度为 4 公里,速度为 0.2 公里/密尔。从 10 Ma 开始,速率变为 0.3–0.33 km/Myr,估计地温梯度为 25–30 °C/km。热气压数据表明,现在在地表的白垩纪侵入体的结晶发生在 8-13 公里的深度,证实了低温热年代学揭示的剥落量。