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Threatened suicide and baiting crowd formation: a replication and extension of Mann (1981)
Social Influence ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-19 , DOI: 10.1080/15534510.2019.1669488
Christine M. Smith 1 , Paulina Dzik 1 , Errin Fornicola 1


Using the lens of Deindividuation Theory, Leon Mann explored the formation of baiting crowds in a small sample of public suicides/suicide attempts. Instead of attempting to prevent the suicide, baiting crowds encourage the victim to jump. Our aim was to replicate Mann's study with a larger more diverse sample of suicide attempts and a broadened theoretical lens (Frustration-Aggression). Using ProQuest, we identified 152 public suicide attempts reported in English language newspapers and failed to replicate Mann’s findings. Rather, baiting crowd formation was associated with variables that increase crowd frustration (e.g., duration of the event, blocked traffic, cordoned off pedestrian walkways). Finally, we failed to find an association between the presence of a baiting crowd and the suicidal individual ultimately jumping.




莱昂·曼恩(Leon Mann)使用去个人化理论的镜头,探索了一小部分公共自杀/自杀企图中诱饵人群的形成。诱饵人群并没有试图防止自杀,而是鼓励受害者跳下去。我们的目的是用更多更多样化的自杀尝试样本和更广阔的理论视野(挫败侵略)来复制曼恩的研究。使用ProQuest,我们确定了英语报纸上报道的152次公开自杀未遂事件,但未能复制曼恩的发现。相反,引诱人群形成与增加人群沮丧感的变量相关(例如,事件持续时间,交通阻塞,封锁人行道)。最终,我们未能找到诱饵人群的存在与最终自杀的自杀个体之间的关联。
