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Positive Semiotics
Review of General Psychology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-12 , DOI: 10.1177/1089268019832849
Tim Lomas 1

Although semiotics has historically been a focus of interest in psychology, its impact over recent decades has been fairly muted. Moreover, no systematic efforts have been made to study and understand it from a positive perspective, that is, the way sign-systems are or can be “positive.” As such, this article introduces the notion of “positive semiotics,” a label for the disparate research and theorizing that is already underway across academia relating to this topic. The article draws on the work of Charles Sanders Peirce, particularly in terms of his triadic view of sign-systems as comprising a sign, an object, and an interpretant. The idea of positivity is then elucidated using the criterion of desirability, drawing on the work of James Pawelski. Attempts are also made to ascertain the nature of desirability, including normative forms (clarified here using the conceptual triad of goodness, truth, and beauty) and nonnormative forms (understood as personal wants). The article then considers four key semiotic channels—discursive language, body language, symbols, and art—looking at selective examples of how positive semiotics might pertain to that channel. It is hoped the article will stimulate further interest in, and work on, a phenomenon that is of considerable importance to psychology and beyond.



尽管历史上符号学一直是心理学关注的焦点,但其在近几十年来的影响已相当微弱。此外,还没有进行系统的努力来从积极的角度研究和理解它,即标志系统是“积极的”或可以是“积极的”。因此,本文介绍了“积极符号学”的概念,这是学术界与该主题相关的各种研究和理论化的标签。本文借鉴了查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔斯(Charles Sanders Peirce)的工作,特别是根据他对符号系统的三元论认为,符号系统包括符号,对象和解释器。然后根据詹姆斯帕维尔斯基(James Pawelski)的工作,使用合意性标准阐明了积极性的概念。还尝试确定可取性的性质,包括规范形式(此处使用善良,真理和美感的概念三者进行了阐明)和非规范形式(应理解为个人需要)。然后,本文考虑了四个主要的符号学渠道-话语,肢体语言,符号和艺术-考察了积极符号学可能与该渠道有关的选择性示例。希望本文能引起人们对这一现象的进一步兴趣,并研究该现象对心理学及其以外的学科都具有重要意义。