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COVID-19: how can we support each other (and ourselves)?
Psychosis ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1080/17522439.2020.1759678
Rai Waddingham 1


The Chair of The National Hearing Voices Network (http://www.hearing-voices.org/HVN) prepared this document, on behalf of the HVN Board, to provide some sources of information and support for its members, and others, during the Covid-19 pandemic. At the request of the journal Editor (also a member of the HVN Board), the document is published here, verbatim, for Psychosis readers around the world. Although targeted at people in the UK who hear voices or see visions, much of the information is potentially also relevant for other people, including mental health professionals. Like HVN, neither the journal nor ISPS endorse or recommend specific mental health services or practitioners. We recognise that different things are helpful for different people. The document is published merely to increase the range of options for people to choose from if they feel the need for additional support or information. All at HVN, Psychosis and ISPS wish readers a safe passage though the current stormy waters, which, despite all the fears and losses, are providing us all with opportunities to take care of one another like many of us have never experienced before.




全国听力之声网络主席(http://www.hearing-voices.org/HVN)代表HVN理事会准备了该文件,以便在会议期间为其成员和其他人提供一些信息和支持。 Covid-19大流行。应期刊编辑(也是HVN委员会的成员)的要求,此处以逐字记录的形式发表有关Psychosis的文件世界各地的读者。尽管这些信息针对的是英国听到声音或看到异象的人,但其中许多信息还可能与其他人(包括心理健康专业人员)相关。像HVN一样,期刊和ISPS都不认可也不推荐特定的精神卫生服务或从业者。我们认识到,不同的事情对不同的人有帮助。出版该文件仅仅是为了增加人们在需要其他支持或信息时可以选择的选项的范围。在HVN,Psychosis和ISPS上,所有读者都希望读者能从目前的狂风暴雨中安全通过,尽管有种种担忧和损失,但它们为我们所有人提供了彼此照料的机会,就像我们许多人以前从未经历过的那样。
