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Book Review: Carl Stumpf, Tone Psychology: Volume I, The Sensation of Successive Single Tones
Musicae Scientiae ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1029864920917234
Robert O Gjerdingen

Members of Kaiser Wilhelm’s Imperial Board of Education had serious concerns about the growing fame of Kluge Hans (Clever Hans), a horse that was able, by tapping a foreleg, to solve problems like “What is three plus one?” How could a horse perform arithmetic better than some of the Kaiser’s own subjects? Calls arose for a formal inquiry, and so government ministers sought a famous, widely respected professor who could lead and staff the Hans Commission (1904). They chose Carl Stumpf. In the course of the ensuing century, the Clever Hans effect (i.e., subtle or unintentional cues given by a questioner to a perceptive subject, whether animal or human) has remained an important caution in the design of experiments, while the name of Carl Stumpf has become little more than a footnote in the histories of several disciplines. Yet there were good reasons why his country chose him for the investigation and why he should still interest us today. Stumpf was a philosopher who addressed central questions of sensation and perception. Because psychology was not separate from philosophy in German universities during Stumpf ’s lifetime, his academic career was pursued within the branch of philosophy then known as “natural philosophy,” which for him meant the emerging sciences of the mind. But if Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) in Leipzig founded a psychology based on experiments and the analysis of data, Stumpf (1848–1936) in Berlin taught and inspired a generation of scholars who pioneered a more holistic psychology of phenomenology (through his student Husserl) and Gestalt theories (through his students Köhler, Koffka, and Wertheimer). If earlier philosophers had thought of music as a pleasant diversion, Stumpf thought of it as a special window into the workings of the human mind. As a child he had excelled at music, even to the point of producing youthful compositions, so he knew that music was a form of human thought. Stumpf was 35 years old when he began his magnum opus on the psychology of tones. In the old national-stereotypes joke about the titles of books on elephants, the British writer pens Elephants I Have Known, the French writer publishes L’éléphant et ses amours, and the German writer produces a Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Elefanten in 14 Bänden. Stumpf ’s original vision saw Tone Psychology being of the German dimension, with multiple volumes that would climb slowly from a consideration of single tones, to tone pairs, and ultimately to what Stumpf termed “properly musical problems” (Preface, p. lxii).1 He completed what became known as Volume 1 in 1883, treating the judgment of single tones in isolation, in comparisons, and in melodic series. Volume 2 appeared in 1890 and treated simultaneous pairs of tones. Both of these volumes only constituted “Part 1” of a larger project whose later volumes never materialized. Nonetheless the project enjoyed considerable success 779415 MSX0010.1177/1029864918779415Musicae ScientiaeHerff et al. research-article2018


书评:Carl Stumpf,语气心理学:第一卷,连续单音的感觉

威廉皇帝帝国教育委员会的成员对克鲁格·汉斯(Clever Hans)的名气越来越大感到严重关切,这匹马通过挖掘前肢能够解决“三加一是什么?”之类的问题。与Kaiser自己的某些学科相比,马在算术方面的表现如何?呼吁进行正式调查,因此政府部长寻求一位著名的,受人尊敬的教授来领导汉斯委员会并为其提供人手(1904年)。他们选择了卡尔·斯坦普夫。在随后的世纪中,聪明的汉斯效应(即发问者对动物或人类等感知对象的微妙或无意暗示)在实验设计中一直是一个重要的注意事项,而卡尔·斯坦普夫在一些学科的历史中,已成为一个注脚。然而,有充分的理由说明为什么他的国家选择他进行调查,以及为什么他今天仍然应该对我们感兴趣。斯坦普夫是一位哲学家,致力于解决感觉和知觉的核心问题。由于心理学在斯图普夫的一生中并不是与德国大学的哲学分开的,所以他的学术生涯是在哲学分支(即所谓的“自然哲学”)中进行的,这对他来说意味着新兴的心理科学。但是,如果莱比锡的威廉·温特(1832–1920)在实验和数据分析的基础上建立了心理学,那么柏林的Stumpf(1848–1936)就教taught并启发了一代学者,他们开创了一种更为整体的现象学心理学(通过他的学生)胡塞尔(Husserl)和格式塔理论(通过他的学生科勒(Köhler),科夫卡(Koffka)和韦特海默(Wertheimer)。如果说早期的哲学家认为音乐是一种令人愉悦的转移,那么斯坦普夫就认为音乐是通向人类心灵运作的特殊窗口。小时候,他擅长音乐,甚至创作出年轻的作品,因此他知道音乐是人类思想的一种形式。斯坦普夫(Stumpf)开始创作有关音调心理学的巨著时,已经35岁。在关于大象的书名的古老民族刻板笑话中,英国作家笔下了《我所知道的大象》,法国作家出版了《大象》等,而德国作家则在14年创作了Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Elefanten班登 Stumpf的原始视野是Tone Psychology属于德国维度,具有多种音量,从单声调到双声调,最终达到了Stumpf所说的“适当的音乐问题”(前言,第21页)。1,他于1883年完成了第一卷的创作,以孤立,比较和旋律的方式对待单个音调的判断。第2卷出现在1890年,同时处理了一对音调。这两个卷仅构成了一个较大项目的“第1部分”,其后来的卷从未实现。尽管如此,该项目还是取得了相当大的成功779415 MSX0010.1177 / 1029864918779415Musicae ScientiaeHerff等人。研究文章2018 这两个卷仅构成了一个较大项目的“第1部分”,其后来的卷从未实现。尽管如此,该项目还是取得了相当大的成功779415 MSX0010.1177 / 1029864918779415Musicae ScientiaeHerff等人。研究文章2018 这两个卷仅构成了一个较大项目的“第1部分”,其后来的卷从未实现。尽管如此,该项目还是取得了相当大的成功779415 MSX0010.1177 / 1029864918779415Musicae ScientiaeHerff等人。研究文章2018