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Strategic Synchrony and Rhythmic Similarity in Lies About Ingroup Affiliation
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10919-019-00321-2
Norah E. Dunbar , Howard Giles , Quinten Bernhold , Aubrie Adams , Matthew Giles , Nicole Zamanzadeh , Katlyn Gangi , Samantha Coveleski , Ken Fujiwara

In an attempt to enhance the likelihood that a lie is perceived as truthful, deceivers might strategically attempt to build rapport in an interaction. Deceivers can build this rapport by coordinating behaviors with their interaction partners, thereby creating interpersonal synchrony. The goal of this study was to empirically test whether deceptive message senders strategically synchronize their behaviors with those of their receivers when speaking with an ingroup member about ingroup affiliation—where deception is not expected. We employed a 3 × 2 factorial design (N = 222 valid cases) in which the level of involvement enacted by partner one (high, low, or control) and the veracity of claims made by partner two (truth or deception) were manipulated. This paper discusses three findings that were observed in this study: (1) Consistent with the truth bias, most people perceived their partner as truthful (84%) or were unsure of the partner’s truthfulness. (2) Contrary to expectations, interaction partners rated deceivers lower than truth tellers in rapport and synchrony, but results indicated that greater involvement was related to increased synchronization and rapport. (3) Finally, both trained coders and automated spectrum analysis observed almost no difference between deceivers and truth-tellers in the interaction behaviors, but deceivers showed more synchrony in their faster movements. This demonstrates a relationship between synchrony and deception that can only be observed via automated analysis, suggesting an important avenue for future research.



为了提高谎言被视为真实的可能性,欺骗者可能会从战略上尝试在互动中建立融洽的关系。欺骗者可以通过与他们的互动伙伴协调行为来建立这种融洽的关系,从而建立人际同步。这项研究的目的是从经验上测试欺骗性消息发件人与小组内成员讨论小组内亲属关系时,是否有策略地将其行为与接收者的行为进行策略性同步(在这种情况下,预期不会发生欺骗)。我们采用了3×2阶乘设计(N = 222个有效案例),其中操纵了合伙人一(高,低或控制)制定的涉案程度和合伙人二(真实或欺骗)提出的索赔的准确性。本文讨论了在这项研究中观察到的三个发现:(1)与真实性偏向一致,大多数人认为伴侣是真实的(84%)或不确定伴侣的真实性。(2)与期望相反,互动伙伴在欺骗和同步方面对欺骗者的评价低于对事实真相的叙述者,但结果表明,更大的参与度与增加的同步和融洽有关。(3)最后,受过训练的编码人员和自动频谱分析都发现,欺骗者和真话者之间在交互行为上几乎没有区别,但欺骗者在更快的动作中表现出更多的同步性。