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Prevalence and Screening of Intimate Partner Violence and Association with Neonatal Low Birth Weight
Journal of Family Violence ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10896-020-00203-y
Chelsea S. Travers , Paul G. Devereux , Wei Yang

In an effort to understand the relationship between intimate partner physical and psychological violence (IPV) victimization during pregnancy and low birth weight (LBW), we analyzed screening and prevalence of IPV among women with LBW and covariates associated with IPV and LBW. A sample of women with a live birth between April 2014 and May 2016 was drawn randomly from a state registry of birth certificates over sampling for LBW births. Utilizing SAS 9.4, weighted prevalence chi-square and logistic regression analyses were conducted. Among 3393 women with singleton births, higher prevalence of a LBW outcome was observed among women <19-years-old (17.94%, 95% CI 12.11, 23.77), Black (11.39%; 95% CI 8.86, 13.93) and Hispanic (14.04%; 95% CI 11.89, 16.18), less than a high school education (13.68%; 95% CI 10.78, 16.58), and women who smoked (13.39%; 95% CI 10.61, 16.18). Only 40.54% of the study population were screened. After adjusting for age, education, race, substance use, insurance coverage, and first-trimester care, the exposure of IPV was not significantly associated with LBW (aOR = 1.26; 95% CI 0.74, 2.14; p = 0.40). Among women with LBW births, more were screened for IPV than were not screened (11.18% vs. 9.00%, 95% CI 9.46, 12.91; p = 0.038). Among women with LBW outcomes, more experienced IPV than did not. When controlling for risk factors, the association between IPV and LBW was not significant indicating other variables may mediate this relationship. Screening for IPV remains lower than recommended by accredited medical associations.



为了了解怀孕期间亲密伴侣的身体和心理暴力(IPV)受害与低出生体重(LBW)之间的关系,我们分析了LBW妇女以及与IPV和LBW相关的协变量的IPV筛查和患病率。2014年4月至2016年5月间有活产妇女的样本是从州出生证明登记处中随机抽取的,以进行低出生体重妇女的抽样调查。利用SAS 9.4,进行了加权患病率卡方检验和逻辑回归分析。在3393名单胎出生妇女中,观察到LBW结局的患病率更高,年龄<19岁的妇女(17.94%,95%CI 12.11,23.77),黑人(11.39%; 95%CI 8.86,13.93)和西班牙裔( 14.04%; 95%CI 11.89、16.18),高中以下教育程度(13.68%; 95%CI 10.78、16.58)和吸烟女性(13.39%; 95%CI 10.78、16.58)。95%CI 10.61、16.18)。仅筛选了研究人群的40.54%。在调整了年龄,教育程度,种族,药物使用,保险范围和孕早期护理后,IPV的暴露与LBW没有显着相关(aOR = 1.26; 95%CI 0.74、2.14; 95%CI 0.74; 2.14)。p  = 0.40)。在LBW出生的妇女中,接受IPV筛查的女性多于未筛查的女性(11.18%对9.00%,95%CI 9.46,12.91;p  = 0.038)。在具有LBW结局的女性中,有经验的IPV多于没有。当控制风险因素时,IPV和LBW之间的关联并不显着,表明其他变量可能介导了这种关系。对IPV的筛查仍然低于经认可的医学协会的建议。
