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Perceiving economic inequality in everyday life decreases tolerance to inequality
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104019
Juan Diego García-Castro , Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón , Guillermo B. Willis

Economic inequality is one of the main issues of modern societies, and one of the ways to reduce it is through decreasing inequality tolerance and increasing support for economic redistribution. However, there are no consistent results in previous research about the relationship between perceived economic inequality, tolerance to inequality, and support for redistributive policies. In this paper, we argue that rather than measuring the effects of abstract perceived inequality (e.g., measured at the country level), it is important to consider Perceived Economic Inequality in Everyday Life (PEIEL) and close relationships. In one correlational study (N = 207) we found that a PEIEL scale predicts intolerance toward inequality controlling for the common measures of perceived inequality. Moreover, we developed a novel manipulation which was validated in a pilot study (N = 293), and in four experimental studies (N = 261; N = 373; N = 289, N = 289), we found that PEIEL decreases tolerance to inequality. Furthermore, we found a preliminary indirect effect of PEIEL on attitudes toward redistribution through intolerance to inequality. A mini meta-analysis using political ideology, social class, sex, and age as covariates, corroborated these results. All studies were preregistered. In short, these results highlight the importance of perceived inequality in everyday life as an additional tool when considering the psychosocial effects of economic inequality.



经济不平等是现代社会的主要问题之一,减少不平等的方法之一是通过减少不平等容忍度并增加对经济再分配的支持。但是,在先前的研究中,关于感知到的经济不平等,对不平等的容忍度以及对再分配政策的支持之间的关系,没有一致的结果。在本文中,我们认为,与其衡量抽象的感知不平等的影响(例如,在国家一级进行衡量),不如考虑日常生活中的感知经济不平等(PEIEL)和亲密关系,这一点很重要。在一个相关性研究(Ñ = 207),我们发现PEIEL量表预测了对于不平等控制的不宽容度,这是对感知到的不平等的普遍衡量。此外,我们开发了一种新颖的操作方式,并在一项初步研究(N  = 293)和四项实验研究(N  = 261; N  = 373; N  = 289,N = 289),我们发现PEIEL降低了对不平等的容忍度。此外,我们发现PEIEL通过对不平等的不容忍态度对重新分配的态度产生了初步的间接影响。使用政治意识形态,社会阶层,性别和年龄作为协变量的微型荟萃分析证实了这些结果。所有研究均已预先注册。简而言之,这些结果突出了在考虑经济不平等的社会心理影响时,日常生活中不平等感作为一种额外工具的重要性。
