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Usability and Naturalness of Videoconference-Based Exposure and Response Prevention for Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder at the Patients’ Homes: A Pilot Study
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1891/0889-8391.32.4.303
Anna-Lena Netter , Johannes Baltasar Hessler , Alice Diedrich , Dirk Lehr , Mathias Berking , Simone Pfeuffer , Ulrich Voderholzer

The treatment of choice for obsessive–compulsive disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy, including exposure and response prevention (ERP). Therapist-supervised ERP is more effective than self-controlled ERP, and exposure should take place at the patient’s home. This standard might be achieved with ERPs at home via videoconference supervision from the therapist. The aim of this study was to (a) assess the usability and naturalness of videoconference exposure and (b) to compare it with face-to-face exposure at an inpatient clinic and exposure at home alone regarding therapeutic alliance, patients’ expectancies, and credibility of the treatment and an overall rating of the exposure session. Mean differences and effect sizes suggested a slight general advantage of videoconference-based ERP and the interaction with the therapist felt natural to the participants. The technical system was rated as medium usable, suggesting a need for better training.


