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Do Sojourn Effects on Personality Trait Changes Last? A Five‐Year Longitudinal Study
European Journal of Personality ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1002/per.2291
Julia Richter 1 , Julia Zimmermann 2 , Franz J. Neyer 3 , Christian Kandler 4

This study examined sojourners' long‐term personality trait changes over five years, extending previous research on immediate sojourn effects. A sample of German students (N = 1095) was surveyed thrice (T1–T3) over the course of an academic year. Sojourners (n = 498) lived abroad shortly after T1 for one or two semesters; stayers (n = 597) remained in their home country. Five years after T1, we surveyed the same participants (n = 441, 40.3%) again (T4). Beyond substantial selection effects, latent neighbour‐change models revealed that small differences between sojourners' and stayers' openness, agreeableness, and neuroticism changes occurred early after sojourn‐induced contextual change. Model estimates suggested sustained sojourn effects on openness and neuroticism changes thereafter and a reversed effect on agreeableness change after return. Because of reduced power and low accuracy at T4, these estimates were not statistically significant. Based on model comparison analyses, however, we could rule out reversed effects for openness and accentuated effects for agreeableness and neuroticism as least likely. Moreover, separating short‐term and long‐term sojourners revealed no substantial differences, but recurring sojourn experiences tended to play a role in sustaining differences. We discuss implications for future studies on patterns of sojourn effects on personality trait changes. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology



这项研究检查了居留者五年来的长期人格特质变化,扩展了先前对居留直接影响的研究。在一个学年中,对德国学生(N  = 1095)的样本进行了三次(T1-T3)调查。寄宿家庭(n  = 498)在T1之后不久在国外住了一到两个学期。 停留者(n = 597)仍留在自己的祖国。T1五年之后,我们调查的参与者一样(ñ = 441,40.3%)(T4)。除了实质性的选择效果外,潜在的邻居变化模型还显示,在居留者引起的情境变化发生后的早期,居留者与居留者的开放性,愉悦性和神经质变化之间存在细微差异。模型估计表明此后逗留对开放性和神经质的持续影响,而对返回后对顺应性变化的影响则相反。由于在T4处功率降低且准确性较低,因此这些估计值在统计上并不显着。然而,基于模型比较分析,我们可以排除开放性的反向影响和同意性和神经质的强调影响的可能性最小。此外,将短期和长期寄宿家庭分开并不显示出实质性差异,但是经常性的寄宿经历往往会在维持差异方面发挥作用。我们讨论了对人格特质变化的定居效应模式未来研究的意义。©2020作者。John Wiley&Sons Ltd代表欧洲人格心理学协会出版的《欧洲人格杂志》