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The Hedonic Character of Nostalgia: An Integrative Data Analysis
Emotion Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-30 , DOI: 10.1177/1754073920950455
Joost Leunissen 1 , Tim Wildschut , Constantine Sedikides 2 , Clay Routledge 3

We conducted an integrative data analysis to examine the hedonic character of nostalgia. We combined positive and negative affect measures from 41 experiments manipulating nostalgia (N = 4,659). Overall, nostalgia inductions increased positive and ambivalent affect, but did not significantly alter negative affect. The magnitude of nostalgia’s effects varied markedly across different experimental inductions of the emotion. The hedonic character of nostalgia, then, depends on how the emotion is elicited and the benchmark (i.e., control condition) to which it is compared. We discuss implications for theory and research on nostalgia and emotions in general.



我们进行了综合数据分析,以检验怀旧的享乐性。我们结合了41个处理怀旧的实验的积极和消极影响措施(N = 4,659)。总体而言,怀旧感增加了正面和矛盾的影响,但没有明显改变负面影响。怀旧情绪的影响程度在不同的实验性情绪诱导上有显着差异。因此,怀旧的享乐性取决于情感的产生方式以及与之进行比较的基准(即控制条件)。我们讨论有关怀旧和情感的理论和研究的意义。
