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Leg Perception of Object Heaviness
Ecological Psychology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10407413.2018.1438810
Morgan L. Waddell 1 , Eric L. Amazeen 1


Perceived heaviness is a function of both the muscle activity used to wield an object and the resulting movement. Wielding reveals invariant properties of the effector-object system, such as rotational inertia. Recent research has proposed a psychophysiological mechanism for perceiving the heaviness of a handheld object through dynamic touch that captures how arm muscle activity and angular movement combined reveal this invariance (Waddell, Fine, Likens, Amazeen & Amazeen, 2016 Waddell, M. L., Fine, J. M., Likens, A. D., Amazeen, E. L., & Amazeen, P. G. (2016). Perceived heaviness in the context of Newton's Second Law: Combined effects of muscle activity and lifting kinematics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 363374.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]). The current study extends this hypothesis by investigating the dynamics of heaviness perception with the leg. Participants lifted objects of varying mass with knee extension lifts while reporting perceived heaviness. During each lift, the electromyogram (EMG) was recorded from the quadriceps, and peak angular acceleration was recorded about the knee. The resulting psychophysiological function revealed the hypothesized ratio of muscle activity to movement, similar to that found in Waddell et al. (2016) Waddell, M. L., Fine, J. M., Likens, A. D., Amazeen, E. L., & Amazeen, P. G. (2016). Perceived heaviness in the context of Newton's Second Law: Combined effects of muscle activity and lifting kinematics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 363374.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]. This suggests that the dynamics for heaviness perception in the leg is similar to that shown in the arm in previous work.




感知到的重量是用来挥动物体的肌肉活动和所产生的运动的函数。挥舞揭示了效应物系统的不变性质,例如旋转惯性。最近的研究提出了一种心理生理机制,可通过动态触摸感知手持物体的沉重感,从而捕捉手臂肌肉活动和角运动如何结合揭示这种不变性(Waddell,Fine,Likens,Amazeen和Amazeen,2016年 Waddell,MLFine,JMLikens,ADAmazeen,ELAmazeen,PG2016)。在牛顿第二定律的背景下感知到的重量:肌肉活动与运动学的结合作用实验心理学杂志:人类感知和性能42363 - 374[Crossref],[PubMed],[Web of Science®], [Google Scholar])。当前的研究通过调查腿部沉重感的动态来扩展该假设。参与者在举报感觉到的沉重的同时,通过膝盖伸展举起举起质量不同的物体。在每次抬起过程中,从股四头肌记录肌电图(EMG),并记录膝盖周围的峰值角加速度。由此产生的心理生理功能揭示了假设的肌肉活动与运动之比,类似于Waddell等人的发现。(2016年) Waddell,MLFine,JMLikens,ADAmazeen,ELAmazeen,PG2016)。在牛顿第二定律的背景下感知到的重量:肌肉活动与运动学的结合作用实验心理学杂志:人类感知和性能42363 - 374[Crossref],[PubMed],[Web ofScience®], [Google Scholar]。这表明腿部沉重感的动力学与先前工作中的手臂相似。
