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Prejudice against members of a ridiculed working‐class group
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12373
Alexandra Vázquez 1 , David Lois 1

In five experiments, we examined the stereotypes, emotions, and behavioural intentions associated with a Spanish working‐class group, known as chonis. We described a student (Experiments 1–3) or job candidate (Experiments 4–5) and presented participants with a picture showing a woman characterized either as choni or posh (an upper‐class group, Experiments 2–4) or with no picture (Experiments 1, 3–5). Depending on the condition, explicit information about her high social class (Experiment 1), performance (Experiment 3), or category (Experiment 5) was provided. Participants evaluated the candidate more negatively, felt less admiration, and were less willing to interact with her or to recommend her for a job when she was categorized as choni as compared to the other categories. These effects disappeared if the student/candidate had high socioeconomic status or performed excellently in the academic domain, but they were magnified for highly (vs. weakly) materialistic individuals. Class prejudice apparently has harmful effects on disadvantaged individuals, but can be mitigated by explicit information.



在五个实验中,我们检查了与西班牙工人阶级团体chonis相关的定型观念,情感和行为意图。我们描述了一个学生(实验1–3)或求职者(实验4–5),并为参与者提供了一张图片,该图片显示了一个女性特征,该女性的特征是粗俗或时髦(上等人群,实验2-4),或者没有图片(实验1、3-5)。根据情况,提供了有关其较高的社会阶层(实验1),绩效(实验3)或类别(实验5)的明确信息。参与者对候选人的评价较否定,对自己的钦佩不甚满意,也不太愿意与她互动或推荐她参加工作,因为她被归类为“ choni”。与其他类别相比。如果学生/候选人具有很高的社会经济地位或在学术领域中表现出色,这些影响就消失了,但是对于高度(相对弱势)的唯物主义者而言,这些影响被放大了。集体偏见显然对处境不利的人具有有害影响,但可以通过明确的信息来减轻。