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Difference galois groups under specialization
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8143
Ruyong Feng

We present a difference analogue of a result on specializations of differential Galois groups given by Hrushovski. Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $D$ be a finitely generated domain over $k$. Consider the linear difference equation $$ \sigma(Y)=AY $$ where $A$ is an invertible matrix with entries in the field of fractions of $D[x]$ and $\sigma$ is a shift operator $\sigma(x)=x+1$. We prove that the set of $k$-homomorphisms $\varphi$ from $D$ to $\bar{k}$ under which the Galois group of $\sigma(Y)=AY$ specializes to the Galois group of $\sigma(Y)=\varphi(A)Y$ over $\bar{k}(x)$ is not empty, and if $D$ is transcendental over $k$ then this set is infinite. We apply our result to van der Put-Singer conjecture which asserts that an algebraic subgroup $G$ of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\bar{k})$ is the Galois group of a linear difference equation over $\bar{k}(x)$ if and only if the quotient $G/G^\circ$ by the identity component is cyclic. We show that if van der Put-Singer conjecture is true for $\bar{k}=\mathbb{C}$ then it will be true for $\bar{k}$ to be any algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.



我们提出了 Hrushovski 给出的微分伽罗瓦群的特化结果的差分模拟。令 $k$ 为特征为零的域,令 $D$ 为 $k$ 上的有限生成域。考虑线性差分方程 $$\sigma(Y)=AY $$,其中 $A$ 是可逆矩阵,其条目位于 $D[x]$ 的分数域中,$\sigma$ 是移位运算符 $\sigma (x)=x+1$。我们证明了 $\sigma(Y)=AY$ 的伽罗瓦群从 $D$ 到 $\bar{k}$ 的 $k$-同态 $\varphi$ 的集合专用于 $\ $\bar{k}(x)$ 上的 sigma(Y)=\varphi(A)Y$ 不是空的,如果 $D$ 在 $k$ 上是超越的,那么这个集合是无限的。我们将我们的结果应用于 van der Put-Singer 猜想,该猜想断言 $\mathrm{GL}_n(\bar{k})$ 的代数子群 $G$ 是 $\bar{ 上的线性差分方程的伽罗瓦群k}(x)$ 当且仅当恒等分量的商 $G/G^\circ$ 是循环的。我们证明,如果 van der Put-Singer 猜想对于 $\bar{k}=\mathbb{C}$ 成立,那么对于 $\bar{k}$ 是任何特征为零的代数闭域也是正确的。