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Air pollution in the Gobi Desert region: Analysis of dust‐storm events
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1002/qj.3961
Mikalai Filonchyk 1, 2 , Michael Peterson 3 , Volha Hurynovich 1, 2

Air pollutants in nine cities of the Gobi Desert region are examined in this study. Mean concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10, retrieved from ground‐based air quality monitoring stations, were 36.2 ± 23.7 and 97.3 ± 84.5 μg·m−3, respectively. The highest concentrations of pollutants were in spring and winter. This can be explained by wind‐borne dust in the spring and emissions from domestic sources during the winter heating season. The highest PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were registered in a period of dust‐storm activity with values of 343 μg·m−3 and 1,642 μg·m−3. Generally, clean continental (CC) was the dominant aerosol type (73.9%), followed by mixed (MX) aerosol type (20.4%) with insignificant contribution of clean marine (CM) (2.1%), urban/industrial and biomass burning (UI/BB) (0.9%) and desert dust (DD) (2.7%) aerosol types. The various measures of pollution retrieved from AERONET stations, including aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångström exponent (AE), asymmetry parameter (AP), single scattering albedo (SSA) and aerosol volume size distribution (AVSD), specify the content of coarse aerosol fractions in the period of dust activity. The aerosol radiative forcing at the bottom of the atmosphere (ARFBOA) and the top of the atmosphere (ARFTOA) during dust days were estimated to be −115.76 and −241.31 W·m−2, with a corresponding heating rate of 3.52 K·day−1. According to the backward and forward trajectories of air masses, the dust cloud moved to the east and southeast from the epicentre, affecting the eastern and the central parts of the country. This study may advise environmental policy, as it showed how controlling causes of pollution can improve air quality.



这项研究对戈壁沙漠地区的9个城市的空气污染物进行了研究。从地面空气质量监测站获得的PM 2.5和PM 10的平均浓度分别为36.2±23.7和97.3±84.5μg·m -3。污染物的最高浓度是在春季和冬季。可以用春季的风尘和冬季取暖季节的家庭排放来解释。在沙尘暴活动期间记录到最高的PM 2.5和PM 10浓度,分别为343μg·m -3和1,642μg·m -3。一般而言,清洁大陆(CC)是主要的气溶胶类型(73.9%),其次是混合(MX)气溶胶类型(20.4%),其中清洁海洋(CM)(2.1%),城市/工业和生物质燃烧的贡献微不足道( UI / BB)(0.9%)和沙漠尘埃(DD)(2.7%)气溶胶类型。从AERONET站中获取的各种污染度量,包括气溶胶光学深度(AOD),Ångström指数(AE),不对称参数(AP),单散射反照率(SSA)和气溶胶体积尺寸分布(AVSD),都指定了粗颗粒的含量尘埃活动期间的气溶胶馏分。在沙尘天,大气底部(ARF BOA)和大气顶部(ARF TOA)的气溶胶辐射强迫估计为-115.76和-241.31 W·m -2,相应的升温速率为3.52 K·day -1。根据气团的前后轨迹,尘埃云从震中移至东部和东南部,影响了该国的东部和中部地区。这项研究可能表明环境政策,因为它表明了控制污染的原因如何可以改善空气质量。