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Analysis of amino acids, hydroxy acids, and amines in CR chondrites
Meteoritics and Planetary Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1111/maps.13586
José C. Aponte 1, 2 , Jamie E. Elsila 2 , Jason E. Hein 3 , Jason P. Dworkin 2 , Daniel P. Glavin 2 , Hannah L. McLain 1, 2 , Eric T. Parker 2 , Timothy Cao 4 , Eve L. Berger 5 , Aaron S. Burton 6

The abundances, relative distributions, and enantiomeric and isotopic compositions of amines, amino acids, and hydroxy acids in Miller Range (MIL) 090001 and MIL 090657 meteorites were determined. Chiral distributions and isotopic compositions confirmed that most of the compounds detected were indigenous to the meteorites and not the result of terrestrial contamination. Combined with data in the literature, suites of these compounds have now been analyzed in a set of six CR chondrites, spanning aqueous alteration types 2.0–2.8. Amino acid abundances ranged from 17 to 3300 nmol g−1 across the six CRs; hydroxy acid abundances ranged from 180 to 1800 nmol g−1; and amine abundances ranged from 40 to 2100 nmol g−1. For amino acids and amines, the weakly altered chondrites contained the highest abundances, whereas hydroxy acids were most abundant in the more altered CR2.0 chondrite. Because water contents in the meteorites are orders of magnitude greater than soluble organics, synthesis of hydroxy acids, which requires water, may be less affected by aqueous alteration than amines and amino acids that require nitrogen‐bearing precursors. Two chiral amino acids that were plausibly extraterrestrial in origin were present with slight enantiomeric excesses: L‐isovaline (~10% excess) and D‐β‐amino‐n‐butyric acid (~9% excess); further studies are needed to verify that the chiral excess in the latter compound is truly extraterrestrial in origin. The isotopic compositions of compounds reported here did not reveal definitive links between the different compound classes such as common synthetic precursors, but will provide a framework for further future in‐depth analyses.



确定了米勒范围(MIL)090001和MIL 090657陨石中胺,氨基酸和羟基酸的丰度,相对分布以及对映异构体和同位素组成。手性分布和同位素组成证实,所检测到的大多数化合物是陨石固有的,而不是陆地污染的结果。结合文献中的数据,现在已经在六种CR球粒陨石中分析了这些化合物的组合,涵盖了水蚀变类型2.0–2.8。六个CR的氨基酸丰度范围为17至3300 nmol g -1;羟酸丰度为180〜1800 nmol g -1 ; 胺的丰度范围为40至2100 nmol g -1。对于氨基酸和胺,变化较小的球粒陨石包含最高的丰度,而变化较大的CR2.0球粒陨石中的羟基酸含量最高。由于陨石中的水含量比可溶性有机物大几个数量级,因此需要水的羟基酸的合成受水相变的影响要比需要含氮前体的胺和氨基酸少。两个手性氨基酸是在原籍振振有词地外存在有轻微的对映体过量:L-异缬氨酸(〜10%过量)和d-β氨基Ñ-丁酸(〜9%过量); 需要进一步的研究以证实后一种化合物中的手性过量确实是起源于地外的。此处报道的化合物的同位素组成并未揭示不同化合物类别(例如常见的合成前体)之间的明确联系,但将为将来的进一步深入分析提供框架。