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Journal of Clinical Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23093

Erratum for “Kolp, H., Wilder, S., Andersen, C., Johnson, E., Horvath, S., Gidycz, C. A., & Shorey, R. (2020). Gender minority stress, sleep disturbance, and sexual victimization in transgender and gender nonconforming adults” Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(4), 688‐698.

We identified two scoring errors in the original publication: one for the Sexual Experiences Survey—Short Form Victimization (SES‐SFV) and one for Depression. Corrections to the original paper with corrected scoring of the SES‐SFV and Depression are as follows:
  • 1.

    On page 688, in the abstract, decomposition of the internalized transphobia interaction should be β = 0.14, p = .016, for low levels and β = −0.18, p = .009 for high levels.

  • 2.

    On page 691, the internal consistency for the depression measure should be .87.

  • 3.

    On page 692, the prevalence of sexual assault since age 14 should be 63.9% and the percentage who endorsed completed rape should be 48.7%.

  • 4.

    On page 693, decomposition of the internalized transphobia interaction should be β = 0.14, p < .05, for low levels and β = −0.18, p < .05, for high levels.

  • 5.

    On page 695, the prevalence of sexual assault should be 63.9%.

  • 6.

    On pages 693 and 694, Tables 1 and 2 should be:

Table 1. Zero‐order correlations for study variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Sleep disturbances 0.33**** p < .001.
0.38**** p < .001.
−0.15** p < .05.
−0.10 0.29**** p < .001.
0.78**** p < .001.
0.81**** p < .001.
2. Sexual victimization 0.28**** p < .001.
−0.22** p < .05.
−0.04 0.35**** p < .001.
0.45**** p < .001.
0.39**** p < .001.
3. Nonaffirmation −0.09 −0.06 0.41**** p < .001.
0.40**** p < .001.
0.42**** p < .001.
4. Community connectedness 0.40**** p < .001.
−0.40**** p < .001.
−0.29**** p < .001.
−0.31**** p < .001.
5. Transgender Identity pride −0.40**** p < .001.
−0.12 −0.18** p < .05.
6. Internalized transphobia 0.47**** p < .001.
0.45**** p < .001.
7. Anxious symptoms 0.87**** p < .001.
8. Depressive symptoms
Mean 6.42 2.86 12.99 12.35 18.75 11.50 6.36 7.43
SD 5.07 2.33 5.97 4.36 7.07 8.40 5.78 6.00
  • * p < .05.
  • ** p < .001.
Table 2. Regression analyses predicting sleep disturbances
Variable B β SE t p
Step 1
Sexual assault victimization 0.02 .01 0.10 .15 .878
Anxious symptoms 0.30 .35 0.07 4.07 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.48 .57 0.07 6.96 <.001
Internalized transphobia −0.08 −.14 0.03 −2.90 .004
Step 2
Sexual assault victimization −0.04 −.02 0.10 −.42 .679
Anxious symptoms 0.37 .42 0.07 4.99 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.43 .51 0.07 6.28 <.001
Internalized transphobia −0.09 −.15 0.03 −3.29 .001
Sexual assault victimization × internalized transphobia −0.04 −.15 0.01 −3.76 <.001
Step 1
Sexual assault victimization −0.04 −.02 0.10 −0.36 .717
Anxious symptoms 0.27 .31 0.08 3.57 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.47 .56 0.07 6.62 <.001
Transgender identity pride 0.03 .04 0.03 0.83 .405
Step 2
Sexual assault victimization −0.03 −.01 0.10 −0.31 .757
Anxious symptoms 0.27 .31 0.08 3.58 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.46 .55 0.07 6.49 <.001
Transgender identity pride 0.03 .05 0.03 1.08 .281
Sexual assault victimization × transgender identity pride 0.01 .05 0.01 1.13 .261
Step 1
Sexual assault victimization −0.01 −.003 0.10 −0.08 .941
Anxious symptoms 0.28 .32 0.07 3.79 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.48 .57 0.07 6.94 <.001
Community connectedness 0.14 .12 0.05 2.70 .008
Step 2
Sexual assault victimization −0.03 −.01 0.10 −0.31 .759
Anxious symptoms 0.32 .37 0.08 4.21 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.45 .53 0.07 6.39 <.001
Community connectedness 0.17 .14 0.05 3.18 .002
Sexual assault victimization × community connectedness 0.04 .09 0.02 1.94 .054
Step 1
Sexual assault victimization −0.05 −.02 0.10 −0.44 .657
Anxious symptoms 0.27 .31 0.08 3.60 <.001
Depressive symptoms 0.45 .54 0.07 6.36 <.001
Nonaffirmation 0.03 .03 0.04 0.74 .459
Step 2
Sexual assault victimization −0.05 −.02 0.10 −0.44 .663
Anxious symptoms 0.27 .31 0.08 3.56 .001
Depressive symptoms 0.45 .54 0.07 6.34 <.001
Nonaffirmation 0.03 .04 0.04 0.71 .477
Sexual assault victimization × nonaffirmation 0.001 .003 0.02 0.07 .943



“ Kolp,H.,Wilder,S.,Andersen,C.,Johnson,E.,Horvath,S.,Gidycz,CA,&Shorey,R.(2020)”的勘误。跨性别者和性别不合格的成年人中的性别少数群体压力,睡眠障碍和性受害情况” ,《临床心理学杂志76(4),688-698。

  • 1。

    摘要在第688页上 ,对于低水平 ,内在的恐惧感相互作用的分解应该为β = 0.14,p = .016,对于高水平,β  = -0.18,p  = .009。

  • 2。


  • 3。


  • 4。

    在第693页上 ,对于低水平而言 ,内部恐惧症相互作用的分解应该为β = 0.14,p <.05,对于高水平,β  = -0.18,p  <.05。

  • 5,


  • 6。


1个 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.睡眠障碍 0.33 **** p  <0.001。
0.38 **** p  <0.001。
−0.15 ** p  <.05。
−0.10 0.29 **** p  <0.001。
0.78 **** p  <0.001。
0.81 **** p  <0.001。
2.性受害 0.28 **** p  <0.001。
−0.22 ** p  <.05。
−0.04 0.35 **** p  <0.001。
0.45 **** p  <0.001。
0.39 **** p  <0.001。
3.不予确认 −0.09 −0.06 0.41 **** p  <0.001。
0.40 **** p  <0.001。
0.42 **** p  <0.001。
4.社区联系 0.40 **** p  <0.001。
−0.40 **** p  <0.001。
−0.29 **** p  <0.001。
−0.31 **** p  <0.001。
5.跨性别认同感 −0.40 **** p  <0.001。
−0.12 −0.18 ** p  <.05。
6.内部恐惧症 0.47 **** p  <0.001。
0.45 **** p  <0.001。
7.焦虑症状 0.87 **** p  <0.001。
意思是 6.42 2.86 12.99 12.35 18.75 11.50 6.36 7.43
标清 5.07 2.33 5.97 4.36 7.07 8.40 5.78 6.00
  • * p  <.05。
  • ** p  <0.001。
多变的 β 东南 Ť p
性侵犯受害 0.02 .01 0.10 .15 .878
焦虑症状 0.30 .35 0.07 4.07 <.001
抑郁症状 0.48 .57 0.07 6.96 <.001
内在恐惧症 −0.08 −.14 0.03 −2.90 .004
性侵犯受害 −0.04 −.02 0.10 −.42 .679
焦虑症状 0.37 .42 0.07 4.99 <.001
抑郁症状 0.43 .51 0.07 6.28 <.001
内在恐惧症 −0.09 −.15 0.03 −3.29 .001
性侵犯受害×内部恐惧症 −0.04 −.15 0.01 −3.76 <.001
性侵犯受害 −0.04 −.02 0.10 −0.36 .717
焦虑症状 0.27 .31 0.08 3.57 <.001
抑郁症状 0.47 .56 0.07 6.62 <.001
跨性别身份自豪 0.03 .04 0.03 0.83 .405
性侵犯受害 −0.03 −.01 0.10 −0.31 .757
焦虑症状 0.27 .31 0.08 3.58 <.001
抑郁症状 0.46 .55 0.07 6.49 <.001
跨性别身份自豪 0.03 .05 0.03 1.08 .281
性侵犯受害×跨性别身份骄傲 0.01 .05 0.01 1.13 .261
性侵犯受害 −0.01 −.003 0.10 −0.08 .941
焦虑症状 0.28 .32 0.07 3.79 <.001
抑郁症状 0.48 .57 0.07 6.94 <.001
社区联系 0.14 .12 0.05 2.70 .008
性侵犯受害 −0.03 −.01 0.10 −0.31 .759
焦虑症状 0.32 .37 0.08 4.21 <.001
抑郁症状 0.45 .53 0.07 6.39 <.001
社区联系 0.17 .14 0.05 3.18 .002
性侵犯受害×社区联系 0.04 .09 0.02 1.94 .054
性侵犯受害 −0.05 −.02 0.10 −0.44 .657
焦虑症状 0.27 .31 0.08 3.60 <.001
抑郁症状 0.45 .54 0.07 6.36 <.001
不确认 0.03 .03 0.04 0.74 .459
性侵犯受害 −0.05 −.02 0.10 −0.44 .663
焦虑症状 0.27 .31 0.08 3.56 .001
抑郁症状 0.45 .54 0.07 6.34 <.001
不确认 0.03 .04 0.04 0.71 .477
性侵犯受害×不肯定 0.001 .003 0.02 0.07 .943