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Effects of destination selection strategy on information spreading
Physics Letters A ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2020.127098
Yanyi Nie , Wenyao Li , Liming Pan , Wei Wang , Tao Lin

Abstract Many recent studies have shown that the characteristics of human activities such as mobility and network structure have significant impacts on information spreading. This paper proposes a destination selection strategy in a metapopulation model, there are two different destination selection preferences about the strategy. The Markov chain method is utilized to discuss the information spreading dynamics. In the experimental results of Erdos-Renyi (ER) network structure, when the movement preference is determined, the range of information propagation will increase slightly with the increase of mobility probability. Mobility has little impact on the information outbreak threshold. When exploring the impact of destination selection strategy on the scope of information dissemination, compared with moving to the neighbor nodes with lower information prevalence, individuals who prefer to move to the neighbors with higher information prevalence will bring more extensive information coverage. Similar phenomena are revealed on the Barabasi-Albert (BA) model.



摘要 近年来的许多研究表明,人类活动的移动性、网络结构等特征对信息传播具有显着影响。本文提出了一种元种群模型中的目的地选择策略,该策略有两种不同的目的地选择偏好。利用马尔可夫链方法讨论信息传播动态。在 Erdos-Renyi (ER) 网络结构的实验结果中,当移动偏好确定后,信息传播的范围会随着移动概率的增加而略有增加。移动性对信息爆发阈值影响不大。在探讨目的地选择策略对信息传播范围的影响时,与向信息流行度较低的邻居节点移动相比,更喜欢向信息流行度较高的邻居移动的个体将带来更广泛的信息覆盖。Barabasi-Albert (BA) 模型揭示了类似的现象。