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Evaluation of extraction and amplification assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 at Auckland Hospital laboratory during the COVID-19 outbreak in New Zealand
Journal of Virological Methods ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2020.114042
Indira Basu , Radhika Nagappan , Shivani Fox-Lewis , Sharmini Muttaiyah , Gary McAuliffe

Utilising diverse molecular platforms has formed a solid foundation in New Zealand’s COVID-19 response. We evaluated multiple extraction and PCR assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2.

We included 65 positive samples which were run on the Panther Fusion using a laboratory developed test (LDT, E gene target). Where viral RNA was extracted by MagNA Pure (MP) 96 extraction platform or EpMotion 5075/Geneaid extraction kit, SARS-CoV-2 detection was performed on Light Cycler (LC) 480 using a LDT (E gene) or 3 commercial assays; Certest Viasure (Orf1ab, N genes) GenePro (E, RdRp genes) and A* Star Fortitude (proprietary target).

Median Cts on LC 480 LDT for specimens (n = 9) extracted on MP 96 (26.6) were lower than on EpMotion (31.6) whereas median Cts for specimens (n = 10) extracted on the Panther Fusion LDT (23.1) were comparable with MP 96 /LC480 LDT (23.6).

Specimens tested on Panther Fusion LDT (n = 28), extracted by MP 96, and amplified using commercial assays showed good concordance with a few exceptions; lower median Ct values were seen for 2 targets on GenePro (16.9, 21.5) and Viasure (19.5, 21.1) than for the Panther Fusion LDT (24.2) and A* Star Fortitude (25.6).

Specimens tested on MP 96 (n = 18) had comparable results using commercial assays, with lower median Cts for Viasure (22.2, 23.7) compared with the LC 480 LDT (24.7), GenePro (24.7,25.7) and A*Fortitude (25.1) assays.

The study provides an early assessment of the performance characteristics of 3 extraction methods for viral RNA and 5 PCR assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2.




我们纳入了65个阳性样本,这些样本使用实验室开发的测试(LDT,E基因靶标)在Panther Fusion上运行。通过MagNA Pure(MP)96提取平台或EpMotion 5075 / Geneaid提取试剂盒提取病毒RNA时,使用LDT(E基因)或3种商业检测方法在Light Cycler(LC)480上进行SARS-CoV-2检测。Certest Viasure(Orf1ab,N个基因)GenePro(E,RdRp基因)和A * Star Fortitude(专有目标)。

在MP 96(26.6)上提取的标本(n = 9)的LC 480 LDT的中位数Cts低于在EpMotion(31.6)上提取的标本(n = 10)的中位数Cts与MP 96 / LC480 LDT(23.6)。

在Panther Fusion LDT(n = 28)上测试过的标本,用MP 96提取,并使用商业化验进行了扩增,除少数例外,显示出良好的一致性。与Panther Fusion LDT(24.2)和A * Star Fortitude(25.6)相比,GenePro(16.9,21.5)和Viasure(19.5,21.1)上的2个靶标的Ct中值更低。

使用商业化验在MP 96(n = 18)上测试的样品具有可比的结果,与LC 480 LDT(24.7),GenePro(24.7,25.7)和A * Fortitude(25.1)相比,Visure的平均Cts(22.2,23.7)低。 )测定。

