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Applying the Food-Energy-Water Nexus approach to urban agriculture: from FEW to FEWP (Food-Energy-Water-People)
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126934
Silvio Caputo , Victoria Schoen , Kathrin Specht , Baptiste Grard , Chris Blythe , Nevin Cohen , Runrid Fox-Kämper , Jason Hawes , Joshua Newell , Lidia Poniży

Abstract Many studies examine the correlation between the use of resources such as water, energy and land, and the production of food. These nexus studies focus predominantly on large scale systems, often considering the social dimensions only in terms of access to resources and participation in the decision-making process, rather than individual attitudes and behaviours with respect to resource use. Such a concept of the nexus is relevant to urban agriculture (UA), but it requires customisation to the particular characteristics of growing food in cities, which is practiced mainly at a small scale and produces not only food but also considerable social, economic, and environmental co-benefits. To this end, this paper proposes a new conceptual basis for a UA Nexus, together with an assessment methodology that explicitly includes social dimensions in addition to food, energy and water. The conceptual basis introduces People, together with Food, Energy and Water, as a fundamental factor of the UA Nexus. On this basis, a methodology is developed measuring not only resource efficiency and food production but also motivations and health benefits. It comprises a combination of methods such as diaries of everyday UA practices, a database of UA activities, life cycle assessment (LCA), and material flow analysis to connect investigations developed at a garden scale to the city scale. A case study shows an application of the methodology.


将食物-能源-水联系方法应用于都市农业:从 FEW 到 FEWP(食物-能源-水-人)

摘要 许多研究考察了水、能源和土地等资源的使用与食品生产之间的相关性。这些关联研究主要关注大规模系统,通常仅从获取资源和参与决策过程的角度考虑社会维度,而不是个人对资源使用的态度和行为。这种联系的概念与都市农业 (UA) 相关,但它需要根据城市种植粮食的特殊特征进行定制,主要在小规模实施,不仅生产粮食,而且还生产大量的社会、经济和环境协同效益。为此,本文提出了一个新的 UA Nexus 概念基础,以及明确包括食品、能源和水之外的社会层面的评估方法。概念基础介绍了人以及食物、能源和水,作为 UA Nexus 的基本因素。在此基础上,开发了一种方法,不仅可以衡量资源效率和粮食生产,还可以衡量动机和健康益处。它包含多种方法,例如日常 UA 实践日记、UA 活动数据库、生命周期评估 (LCA) 和物质流分析,以将花园规模的调查与城市规模联系起来。案例研究显示了该方法的应用。开发了一种方法,不仅可以衡量资源效率和粮食生产,还可以衡量动机和健康益处。它包含多种方法,例如日常 UA 实践日记、UA 活动数据库、生命周期评估 (LCA) 和物质流分析,以将花园规模开发的调查与城市规模联系起来。案例研究显示了该方法的应用。开发了一种方法,不仅可以衡量资源效率和粮食生产,还可以衡量动机和健康益处。它包含多种方法,例如日常 UA 实践日记、UA 活动数据库、生命周期评估 (LCA) 和物质流分析,以将花园规模的调查与城市规模联系起来。案例研究显示了该方法的应用。