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First Ultraviolet Outburst Detected from ASASSN-18eh Strengthens Its Interpretation as a Cataclysmic Variable
Research Notes of the AAS Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/abd250
Sill Verberne , David Modiano , Rudy Wijnands ,

As part of the Transient UV Objects project, we have discovered a new outburst (at the beginning of 2020 October) of the candidate cataclysmic variable (CV) ASASSN-18eh using the UV/Optical Telescope aboard the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. During the outburst its brightness increased by about 6 mag in UV compared to its brightness in the quiescent state. The properties of this outburst are consistent with it being a dwarf nova, strongly supporting the CV nature of ASASSN-18eh.



作为“瞬态紫外线对象”项目的一部分,我们使用尼尔·盖勒斯·斯威夫特天文台上的紫外线/光学望远镜发现了一个新的候选大地震变量(CV)ASASSN-18eh(在2020年10月开始)。与在静止状态下的亮度相比,在爆发期间,其亮度在紫外线下增加了约6 mag。这次爆发的性质与它是矮新星一致,强烈支持ASASSN-18eh的CV性质。
