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From centralized to decentralized power system: A space-analysis for France
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.3233/jae-209309
Raphaël Cluet 1 , Nadia Maïzi 1 , Vincent Mazauric 2

This paper reviews the conditions for ensuring the space consolidation and time reconciliation of all scales involved in power system energy planning. At the upper space scale, a simplified description of the grid based on the Kuramoto model is adopted to assess the stability of the synchronism state of the power system. The consequences of a massive dissemination of renewables for the future of the power system is addressed in the case of France in a long-term planning exercise up to 2050. Attention is paid to how the new capacities are dispatched among the administrative regions. While a favorable impact of sparse generation on the synchronism is obtained, the constraint on the inertia provided by the kinetic energy has to be endogenized to enforce an operable power mix under admissible disturbances.


