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Long-read assembly of the Brassica napus reference genome Darmor-bzh
GigaScience ( IF 9.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giaa137
Mathieu Rousseau-Gueutin 1 , Caroline Belser 2 , Corinne Da Silva 2 , Gautier Richard 1 , Benjamin Istace 2 , Corinne Cruaud 3 , Cyril Falentin 1 , Franz Boideau 1 , Julien Boutte 1 , Regine Delourme 1 , Gwenaëlle Deniot 1 , Stefan Engelen 2 , Julie Ferreira de Carvalho 1 , Arnaud Lemainque 3 , Loeiz Maillet 1 , Jérôme Morice 1 , Patrick Wincker 2 , France Denoeud 2 , Anne-Marie Chèvre 1 , Jean-Marc Aury 2

The combination of long reads and long-range information to produce genome assemblies is now accepted as a common standard. This strategy not only allows access to the gene catalogue of a given species but also reveals the architecture and organization of chromosomes, including complex regions such as telomeres and centromeres. The Brassica genus is not exempt, and many assemblies based on long reads are now available. The reference genome for Brassica napus, Darmor-bzh, which was published in 2014, was produced using short reads and its contiguity was extremely low compared with current assemblies of the Brassica genus.


欧洲油菜参考基因组 Darmor-bzh 的长读长组装

结合长读长和长距离信息来产生基因组组装现在被接受为一个通用标准。这种策略不仅可以访问给定物种的基因目录,还可以揭示染色体的结构和组织,包括端粒和着丝粒等复杂区域。该芸苔属植物是不能免除,许多组件基于长读取现已。欧洲油菜的参考基因组Darmor-bzh 于 2014 年发表,是使用短读长产生的,与目前的芸苔属植物组装相​​比,其连续性极低。