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The role of inherently safer design in process safety
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.1002/cjce.23987
Paul R. Amyotte 1 , Faisal I. Khan 2

The role of inherently safer design (ISD) in process safety assurance has changed significantly over the past 40 years. When first introduced by Professor Trevor Kletz following the 1974 Flixborough explosion, the ISD concept challenged the manner in which process risk was addressed in the chemical industry. The prevailing view of adding on safety devices and implementing procedures aimed at controlling hazards was now complemented by a way of thinking that sought to remove or reduce hazards at their source. The past 20 years have seen ISD mature into an established risk reduction strategy that is widely known in principle and increasingly adopted in practice. The current paper reviews the authors' collaborative research efforts aimed at integrating ISD into various process safety systems, activities, and applications. The primary inherent safety principles (minimization, substitution, moderation, and simplification) are explained with example‐based guidance provided for their use. ISD features and performance indices are examined throughout the early design and operational stages of a typical process life cycle. Preventing and mitigating undesirable occurrences such as domino effects and dust explosions are shown to be feasible by adopting an inherent safety approach. The importance of reviewing ISD case studies developed from incident investigations is also discussed. Finally, we present our personal opinions on the current status of inherently safer design and future possibilities for its continued growth.



在过去的40年中,本质安全设计(ISD)在过程安全保证中的作用发生了显着变化。在1974年Flixborough爆炸之后,由Trevor Kletz教授首次提出时,ISD的概念对解决化学工业中处理过程风险的方式提出了挑战。现在,以一种旨在从源头上消除或减少危害的思维方式,补充了关于增加安全装置和实施旨在控制危害的程序的普遍观点。在过去的20年中,ISD已发展成为一项既定的降低风险策略,该策略在原理上广为人知,并在实践中得到越来越多的采用。本文回顾了作者的协作研究成果,旨在将ISD集成到各种过程安全系统,活动和应用程序中。解释了主要的固有安全原则(最小化,替代,节制和简化),并提供了基于示例的使用指导。在典型过程生命周期的整个早期设计和操作阶段,都会检查ISD功能和性能指标。通过采用一种固有的安全方法,显示出防止和减轻诸如多米诺骨牌效应和粉尘爆炸等不良事件的可行性是可行的。还讨论了审查由事件调查开发的ISD案例研究的重要性。最后,我们就本质上更安全的设计的现状以及其持续增长的未来可能性提出个人看法。在典型过程生命周期的整个早期设计和操作阶段,都会检查ISD功能和性能指标。通过采用一种固有的安全方法,显示出防止和减轻诸如多米诺骨牌效应和粉尘爆炸等不良事件的可行性是可行的。还讨论了审查由事件调查开发的ISD案例研究的重要性。最后,我们就本质上更安全的设计的现状以及其持续增长的未来可能性提出个人意见。在典型过程生命周期的整个早期设计和操作阶段,都会检查ISD功能和性能指标。通过采用一种固有的安全方法,显示出防止和减轻诸如多米诺骨牌效应和粉尘爆炸等不良事件的可行性是可行的。还讨论了审查由事件调查开发的ISD案例研究的重要性。最后,我们就本质上更安全的设计的现状以及其持续增长的未来可能性提出个人意见。还讨论了审查由事件调查开发的ISD案例研究的重要性。最后,我们就本质上更安全的设计的现状以及其持续增长的未来可能性提出个人意见。还讨论了审查由事件调查开发的ISD案例研究的重要性。最后,我们就本质上更安全的设计的现状以及其持续增长的未来可能性提出个人看法。