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Turán and Ramsey numbers in linear triple systems
Discrete Mathematics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2020.112258
András Gyárfás , Gábor N. Sárközy

In this paper we study Tur\'an and Ramsey numbers in linear triple systems, defined as $3$-uniform hypergraphs in which any two triples intersect in at most one vertex. A famous result of Ruzsa and Szemer\'edi is that for any fixed $c>0$ and large enough $n$ the following Tur\'an-type theorem holds. If a linear triple system on $n$ vertices has at least $cn^2$ edges then it contains a {\em triangle}: three pairwise intersecting triples without a common vertex. In this paper we extend this result from triangles to other triple systems, called {\em $s$-configurations}. The main tool is a generalization of the induced matching lemma from $aba$-patterns to more general ones. We slightly generalize $s$-configurations to {\em extended $s$-configurations}. For these we cannot prove the corresponding Tur\'an-type theorem, but we prove that they have the weaker, Ramsey property: they can be found in any $t$-coloring of the blocks of any sufficiently large Steiner triple system. Using this, we show that all unavoidable configurations with at most 5 blocks, except possibly the ones containing the sail $C_{15}$ (configuration with blocks 123, 345, 561 and 147), are $t$-Ramsey for any $t\geq 1$. The most interesting one among them is the {\em wicket}, $D_4$, formed by three rows and two columns of a $3\times 3$ point matrix. In fact, the wicket is $1$-Ramsey in a very strong sense: all Steiner triple systems except the Fano plane must contain a wicket.



在本文中,我们研究了线性三元组中的 Tur\'an 和 Ramsey 数,定义为 $3$-均匀超图,其中任意两个三元组最多在一个顶点相交。Ruzsa 和 Szemer\'edi 的一个著名结果是,对于任何固定的 $c>0$ 和足够大的 $n$,以下图尔安型定理成立。如果 $n$ 个顶点上的线性三元组至少有 $cn^2$ 条边,那么它包含一个 {\em 三角形}:三个没有公共顶点的成对相交的三元组。在本文中,我们将这个结果从三角形扩展到其他三重系统,称为 {\em $s$-configurations}。主要工具是将诱导匹配引理从 $aba$-patterns 推广到更一般的。我们将 $s$-configurations 稍微概括为 {\em extended $s$-configurations}。对于这些我们无法证明相应的Tur\'an型定理,但我们证明它们具有较弱的 Ramsey 特性:它们可以在任何足够大的 Steiner 三重系统的块的任何 $t$ 着色中找到。使用这个,我们证明所有最多 5 个块的不可避免的配置,除了可能包含帆 $C_{15}$ 的配置(具有块 123、345、561 和 147 的配置),对于任何 $ t\geq 1$。其中最有趣的是 {\em wicket},$D_4$,由 $3\times 3$ 点矩阵的三行两列组成。事实上,检票口在非常强烈的意义上是 $1$-Ramsey:除 Fano 平面之外的所有 Steiner 三重系统都必须包含一个检票口。除了可能包含帆 $C_{15}$(具有块 123、345、561 和 147 的配置)的那些,对于任何 $t\geq 1$ 都是 $t$-Ramsey。其中最有趣的是 {\em wicket},$D_4$,由 $3\times 3$ 点矩阵的三行两列组成。事实上,检票口在非常强烈的意义上是 $1$-Ramsey:除 Fano 平面之外的所有 Steiner 三重系统都必须包含一个检票口。除了可能包含帆 $C_{15}$(具有块 123、345、561 和 147 的配置)的那些,对于任何 $t\geq 1$ 都是 $t$-Ramsey。其中最有趣的是 {\em wicket},$D_4$,由 $3\times 3$ 点矩阵的三行两列组成。事实上,检票口在非常强烈的意义上是 $1$-Ramsey:除 Fano 平面之外的所有 Steiner 三重系统都必须包含一个检票口。