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Chimeras in multivariable coupled Rössler oscillators
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105661
Anjuman Ara Khatun , Haider Hasan Jafri

We study the coexistence of synchronous as well as asynchronous dynamical behaviours namely chimera states in an ensemble of nonlinear oscillators coupled through different variables. In this system, such states are a result of multistability induced by the coupling in one variable. By tuning the coupling parameter in a different variable, the region of multistability can be shifted. This provides an additional means to create chimera states. We employ this technique in an ensemble of coupled Rössler systems where we observe that there are multiple attractors and the associated basins are intertwined. For such systems, the strength of incoherence (SI) is a useful order parameter through which chimera states can be effectively characterized. The coexistence of stable synchronized dynamics with desynchronized motion is indicated by the master stability function, which we compute for different attractors.



