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Combined effects of water stress and salinity on growth, physiological and biochemical traits in two walnut genotypes
Physiologia Plantarum ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13316
Baoqing Wang 1, 2 , Junpei Zhang 1 , Dong Pei 1 , Lei Yu 3

Due to its great economic value, walnut (Juglans regia L.) has received increasing attention during recent years. However, water stress and salinity limit walnut growth, production and quality. We employed two walnut genotypes, precocious walnut and late-bearing walnut, to investigate their growth, photosynthetic capacity, non-structural carbohydrate contents, Cl- allocation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and osmotic regulation under water stress, salinity and their combination. We found that late-bearing walnut showed higher total biomass and net photosynthetic rate, higher activities of antioxidant enzymes, higher osmoregulation and lower ROS accumulation than precocious walnut under stressful conditions. In addition, late-bearing walnut restricted salt transport and allocated more Cl- into roots, whereas precocious walnut allocated more Cl- into leaves when exposed to salinity stress. These data collectively demonstrated that late-bearing walnut possesses better stress tolerance under water stress, salinity and especially under their combination. Such knowledge of genotype-specific responses and tolerances to water stress and salinity is important for walnut plantation management under increasing drought and aggravated soil salinization occurring with climate change. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



由于其巨大的经济价值,核桃 (Juglas regia L.) 近年来受到越来越多的关注。然而,水分胁迫和盐度限制了核桃的生长、生产和质量。我们采用了早熟核桃和晚熟核桃两种核桃基因型,研究了它们在水分胁迫、盐度及其组合下的生长、光合能力、非结构性碳水化合物含量、Cl-分配、活性氧 (ROS) 积累和渗透调节. 我们发现晚熟核桃在胁迫条件下比早熟核桃表现出更高的总生物量和净光合速​​率、更高的抗氧化酶活性、更高的渗透调节和更低的活性氧积累。此外,晚产核桃限制了盐分的运输并将更多的 Cl-分配到根部,而早熟核桃在暴露于盐分胁迫时会将更多的氯分配到叶子中。这些数据共同表明晚产核桃在水分胁迫、盐分胁迫下,尤其是在它们的组合下具有更好的抗逆性。这种对水分胁迫和盐度的基因型特异性反应和耐受性的知识对于在干旱加剧和气候变化导致土壤盐渍化加剧的情况下的核桃种植园管理非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。这种对水分胁迫和盐度的基因型特异性反应和耐受性的知识对于在干旱加剧和气候变化导致土壤盐渍化加剧的情况下的核桃种植园管理非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。这种对水分胁迫和盐度的基因型特异性反应和耐受性的知识对于在干旱加剧和气候变化导致土壤盐渍化加剧的情况下的核桃种植园管理非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。