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An improved reconstruction method for polarimetric neutron tomography
Physica B: Condensed Matter ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2020.412763
Chao Cao , Sheng Wang , Wei Yin , Heyong Huo , Yang Wu , Hang Li , Bin Tang

Polarimetric neutron tomography provides a powerful tool for direct visualization of magnetic fields in the bulk of matter. However, the measurable field strength has been severely restricted because neutron spin precession angles have to be limited below π due to the phase wrapping problem. In this article we show that in most cases the spin precession limit can be extended by identifying and correcting discontinuities in the sinograms. We present an improved method so that Algebraic reconstruction technique can be applied in the precession interval [π,2π] to improve the reconstruction quality. Robustness of this method against device parameters and statistical noise has been studied through numerical simulation, some unexpected influence have been found and discussed.



